The proposal

Xavier was certain she was lying. Edgar was the only clue to her death. Either Luna did the killing or was the one to inform her that it was Xavier who was trying to kill him.

Xavier decided to act as if he accepted her statement. No matter what was the truth he will find out anyway. "Ok. If you wish to meet her, I will take you there later." Xavier informed, returning to his seat.

"Alright." Agatha nodded to his words and walked out of the office. If Luna was having an affair with Edgar, hearing no news of her would be news to him. When panicked even the most experienced player slips.

As soon as Agatha left, Xavier wrote a letter and handed it over to Reginald, "Send it to Arthur quickly."


Arthur leaned towards the carriage window, glancing at the hustling streets. The people were busy with their daily lives when his eyes fell on two women selling flowers by the street.

His eyes flickered, as he stopped the carriage and rushed to the women and bought a bouquet of daisies, and returned to the carriage.

Adolphus's brows furrowed, wondering about the flower he bought. It didn't seem synonymous with Arthur. A man who saw women as nothing but objects of pleasure.

"I am going there to meet her for the first time. I should try to make a good first impression and who doesn't love flowers?" Arthur remarked, putting the bouquet beside him.

Adolphus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Arthur's antics don't look like antics anymore. It seemed like he was really smitten by the princess. Adolphus stayed quiet and decided to keep an eye on Arthur's motive for the time being.

The carriage soon came to a halt in front of a manor. A two-story old house, surrounded by greenery. The walls of the cylindrical turret were covered in red leaf vines. Even after being located just a few feet away from the busy street, once entering the property it seemed like completely different surroundings.

Arthur walked out of the carriage, with the bouquet in his hands. Adolphus followed after him. Arthur took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Adolphus was further dubious about Arthur.

Soon a maid opened and politely bowed, letting them enter. She took them straight to the parlor and once they sat down, the maid went to call Edgar.

Adolphus glanced at the man sitting beside him. His finger clasped, his forehead covered in sweat, his eyes fixated on the door. The act to gain Edgar's trust seems suspicious.

Soon Edgar entered the room, Arthur's eyes gleamed up hoping to see her but it was just Edgar. Arthur didn't try to hide his disappointment, he didn't even get up to greet Edgar.

Adolphus stood up greeting Edgar, as they both glanced at Arthur in awkwardness. Adolphus cleared his throat, to bring Arthur out of his thoughts. Arthur finally stood up greeting Edgar, trying to fake out a smile.

"Hello, Minister," Arthur spoke, his eyes still peeking towards the door.

"Hello. Have a seat." Edgar ignored his glance and asked him to sit.

Arthur tapped his finger on his thighs, impatiently waiting for her sight while Adolphus and Edgar talked. As he nodded in between their questions.

Arthur's eyes gleamed once again when his eyes fell on the shadow coming in. He impatiently waited, hoping it was the princess when his hopes got crushed for a second time as it was just the maid bringing tea for them.

He was certain now, Edgar was doing this on purpose. He didn't want him to meet his niece when he clearly knew why they were there.

Arthur turned towards Adolphus, who was trying to have some tea. His eyes clearly said it all. Adolphus sighed, looking up at Edgar in defeat.

"Edgar, like I said before. Our Grand Duke here seems to have fallen in love with your niece and wishes to court her." Adolphus spoke.

Edgar's jaws tightened up, as he tried to smile through it, "My lord, I am extremely pleased to hear that but…your reputation among the nobles is not the ideal. I apologize if I said something wrong, but my brother-in-law is extremely protective of my niece. I am afraid to say that even if I accept this alliance, his majesty, and her majesty wouldn't." Edgar answered politely.

Hearing him Arthur stood up, furious by his statement. "What are you trying to say, Minister? Do you think I am that shallow? If I had such intention for your niece, I would have not come here like this!" Arthur yelled, throwing a fit. He almost attacked Edgar if not for Adolphus coming in between and stopping him.

"I apologize for my stupidity, my lord. But I really can't accept this proposal." Edgar bowed down on the floor, begging for forgiveness.

Adolphus held onto Arthur before he murdered Edgar. "If you don't wish to ruin the last hope. Be quiet for a minute." He whispered into Arthur's ear. Arthur calmed himself down, facing in another direction.

Adolphus made Edgar stand up from the floor, "But what if the princess herself agrees to this proposal? Then his majesty wouldn't have any issue, right?" Adolphus claimed, glancing at Edgar.

After a moment of silence, Edgar spoke up, "If my niece agrees, I have no right to stop it."

Hearing him, Arthur's face brightened up, looking back at Adolphus and Edgar. He went up, hugging Edgar.

"I am very grateful for the opportunity. Can you call her now?" Arthur asked, his eyes reaching toward the door.

"I would but she is visiting one of her childhood friends. She will be back by evening only." Edgar stated.

Arthur's face turned bitter but the fact he could finally meet her in the evening still lit a hope in his heart. He nodded, eagerly waiting. Adolphus talked to Edgar about Arthur staying with them and other things that Arthur paid no attention to. All he could think of was meeting her in the evening.