
Xavier finally lets her down once they reach their bed chamber, closing the door behind him.

Agatha tried to sneak out of there. "Where are you going?" Xavier was quick to notice and grasp onto her wrist. Pinning her against the door and placing both his hands on either side of her.

Agatha gulped seeing him towering over her. Compared to him, she looked like a tiny rat. Her head barely reached for his chin. She didn't consider herself a woman of short stature yet here she was being no more than a dwarf.

"What's your height?" Agatha blurted out, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"You forgot to add something." Xavier was taken aback a bit by her sudden change of topic. Her eyes were determined and serious to seem like one of her tactics to escape.

Agatha hissed, biting her lips. Why was he that annoying? Can't he just answer? Always finding new ways to get on her nerves.

'Either call me Husband or Xavier'

Agatha smirked, recalling his words, "Husband."

Xavier was taken aback by her words. It was the first time she had ever called him husband and most importantly, she was not doing it out of politeness but she meant it. If heaven said that he has to die now, he would happily accept. That was the level of his ecstasy. But, he can't die yet. He has a lot of stuff to do for them.

Xavier returned to his composure, trying to keep a serious face and hide away his joy. "I thought I was an arse." Xavier arched his brow glancing down at her.

'Yes, you are. The biggest arse of Acarvia.' Agatha holds herself back from speaking out her thoughts loud. This was not time to mess with. She has stuff to do. Agatha put up a sweet innocent smile, looking up at him, "But you are my husband too. Just for tonight, spare your wife." Agatha pleaded.

Xavier sighed in defeat. He has no power against her. She always had the bigger hand in their marriage now that she was using it, he could only pray for his safety.

"As you wish. But—" His words were cut off by the sudden kiss.

"Thanks, my dearest. I will return back by midnight." Agatha remarked, leaving the chamber. By the time Xavier came out of shock, she was already gone.

Xavier was further perplexed by her actions. Where could have she gone at this hour? She must have some plan. But what could it be? As of now, Xavier decided to remain silent and watch her. He has never seen her act on her impulse.

Mainly because he never knew anything about her. But one thing was sure, Agatha was not just a naive lady he once knew of. She was anything but naive. More than anyone, she knew her path.

A queen was no less important than a king. The whole Acarvia was made on the bones of a woman. He never believed a queen's only job was to give birth to the heir. More than anyone he has seen how much of a woman can do. Xavier's face turned sour as his memory brought out the bitter memory of the past. He shook his head, trying to forget those memories.


The lower part of the capital city, Calter.

Agatha stepped down from the carriage and looked at the hustling souk. The capital was divided into two parts: the upper and lower part.

The upper part was filled with nobles and the wealthiest people of Acarvia and as always lower was filled with commoners and lowborn.

Agatha covered most of her face with a piece of clothing. Most of her clothes were hidden by the leather cloak. If it was daytime, people could still notice her expensive clothes but it was night.

Stanley glanced at her with concerned eyes. He was still unsure what business she might have in such a place at night. He had questions but he knew his place. His job was to serve her, not question her actions.

"What's the matter, Stanley? You seem tense." Agatha saw his frown and couldn't help but inquire even though she already knew what was his worry.

"Your Highness, do you really have to visit such a place?" Stanley questioned, glancing towards mud streets, and beggars sleeping by the roadside. If there was one road to describe, it would be filthy. It was not a place for a queen to visit.

"I have to." Agatha spared a glance, with a smile on her face. "Wait here. I will return soon." She instructed, walking towards the market.

The lower part of the market was huge and even foreign traders came often. Even though Agatha never involved herself with politics, she knew how much money it brings to Acarvia.

However, the market wasn't the concern. Something of bigger value was in the market, someone who clashes against the strongest warrior.

Agatha's eyes fall on the child sitting by the road. Torn clothes, ruffled hair, and face covered in grime. If one knew whose child that was. Agatha crossed the street, rushing up to the child.

"Lilac." She called out, standing before the child.

Lilac gazed up at the woman, her deep purple eyes, standing out. Lilac was the middle daughter of Adolphus. She was born with violet eyes and white hairs making her stand out from the rest and being unique was always a taboo.

Right after she was born, Adolphus quietly discarded her. No matter how cruel a man was, he can't have the heart to kill his own child. Lilac was given to a prostitute working in a brothel who named her Lilac.

Agatha looked at the poor child, and even though the prostitute named her and fed her there was no such thing as love. Adolphus makes sure to pay for taking care of Lilac and that too pretty well. But seeing Lilac's state, Agatha knew how malnourished the child was.

"Wh-ho…a-are…you?" With stutters, Lilac finally spoke. Her eyes brimming with tears in embarrassment from stuttering.