Older sibling

"Your Highness…" Stanley had no words for the scene in front of him. It's been no more than a week since Agatha married Xavier and she was bringing a child with her? Who knows what kind of disease that child might carry?

"We should return to the palace," Agatha remarked, helping Lilac to get inside the carriage.

"Also take care of something for me." Agatha quoted, narrowing her gaze at Stanley.


Xavier took a bath and changed into his more comfortable clothing as he waited for her return. What did she have to do so late at night? What was the emergency?

Xavier sat by his study window, which looked over the gate of the palace. He tried to do some work until her return but his eyes only went towards the gates.

Just as the clock hit eleven, the noise of the carriage echoed. Xavier immediately got up seeing the carriage enter the palace gate. He tried to keep his poise as he walked downstairs to greet his wife but his pace only fastened.

Agatha got off with Lilac behind her, scared by the new environment. She had never seen such a huge place.

The guards couldn't help but glance at the child beside Agatha. It was not an everyday thing to see a beggar child in the palace, that too holding the Queen.

Agatha knew it would be overwhelming for Lilac with the glances and whispers but this place was better than the world she had been in. Agatha patted her head, making Lilac face her.

"You must be hungry, let's go inside," Agatha spoke in a soft and gentle voice, holding her hand as they walked up the stairs towards the stairs.

The maids immediately greeted her, but couldn't hold themselves from staring at the child by her side.

Agatha bent down to face Lilac. Her hair was covered in grime and dust. She must have never been cleaned up before. Agatha glanced at one of the maids, gesturing to her to come forward.

"Lilac, would you mind going with this lady and taking a bath?" Agatha asked.

The servants were sure surprised by her bringing a child but seeing how Agatha spoke to the child did win their hearts.

Lilac blinked, biting her lower lips. At first, she was hesitant to speak. No one likes a demon like her and the fact she stuttered was oftentimes the reason she got beaten by Mary and others. But this for the first time, someone so gentle and warm to her. It was no more than a dream to her.

What if the kind lady leaves and this dream of her crumbles down? Lilac was scared. Scared that she might be abandoned once again. Afraid that this warm ray of sunlight would disappear, she held onto the hem of Agatha's dress, her deep purple eyes begging her not to leave.

Agatha understood her fear, "You don't need to worry. Do you see this uncle here?" Agatha spoke pointing towards Stanley.

"Once you are done taking a bath, this uncle will come and bring you back to my side," Agatha explained, handing Lilac to the maid.

Lilac was still frightened but decided to go with Agatha's wish. She didn't wish to anger her. Once Lilac left with the maid and Stanley, Agatha paid notice to the figure standing by the stairs.

Agatha smiled, pacing up the stairs towards him. "Why are you still awake?" Agatha asked, with a smile.

Xavier nodded, his eyes still following Lilac. He already knew who that little girl was. Xavier knew one thing about Agatha pretty well. It was her love for children. The devastated face she had on learning she can't have any more children still haunted him. She was an excellent mother to their son. As a queen Agatha could have let the nannies take care of Adrien, there was rarely any mother from a noble family who personally took care of their child. While Agatha did her best to take care of Adrien, even playing with him.

So it was not surprising when she raised her voice against him after Lilac's death. That was the only time she questioned him and showed her anger.

Agatha's eyes trailed toward the direction Xavier was looking at. Seeing how he was focused on Lilac, Agatha decided to speak first.

"That's Lilac. You must know her. Adolphus' daughter." Agatha spoke, gaining Xavier's attention back at her.

"If you don't mind, I wish to adopt Lilac," Agatha exclaimed, her face looking towards the entrance, her eyes lowered.

Xavier glanced at her side profile. It was not like he minded adopting a daughter but he also feared that Adolphus wouldn't sit silent at his wife's bold decision.

"I don't mind but Adolphus…" Xavier spoke, unsure what to speak.

"I know, I don't plan to reveal it until I take care of him." Agatha continued.

After knowing what would happen to Lilac, she can't put on the mask of ignorance and let her rot in misery. It was not her fault that her parents refused to acknowledge her, it was not her fault that the world she was sent to was cruel. She deserved none of those.

Xavier sighed, he knew she was not going to let Lilac live in misery in fear of Adolphus. If anything she would fight against the whole world. He patted her head, all he could do was take half of the burden. Even he can't feign ignorance at Lilac's misery.

"Adrien would be happy to have an older sibling," Xavier remarked, glancing at her with a smile.

Agatha breathed in relief at his remark. She was worried that he might have thought she was making a wrong decision and denied her wishes but seeing how easily he agreed, it flustered her.