Only his

Xavier was taken aback by her words. He was nowhere expecting her to be thinking that. All the time they were at the dining table, Agatha seemed genuine. Not even for a second Xavier got a hint that she was acting to fool Adeline.

Agatha wrapped her arms around his neck, yanking him closer. Her eyes stared into those black orbs that always waver her heart. Like an endless pit of feelings unaware of where to be poured out. A strange surge like all hell broke loose.

Agatha gulped, wetting her lips before averting her eyes from his intense gaze that made her whole body melt. "I know you two were arranged for marriage before I came into the picture. What happened between you two in the past is not something I care about but now things have changed. Even if love doesn't blossom, you are still my husband and I wish to be married to a loyal guy." Agatha's voice was gentle like a breeze that blew between them. Her skin was tinted red.