Father daughter

Agatha wanted to meet Adolphus over Lilac but Adolphus seemed to have not got the news of Lilac yet.

"Stanley, did you invite him personally?" Agatha asked, in an irked voice. She hated politics but Adolphus was like the thorn that she should take care of as soon as possible.

"I did but His Lordship said he can only visit after he visits his ancestral home," Stanley answered, noticing the irritation on Agatha's face.

"Your Highness, His Majesty has asked you to be in his office," Stanley informed her.

Agatha exhaled in exhaustion, rubbing her forehead. The warm weather seemed to be getting inside her head. Her homeplace, Edinburgh, was quite colder compared to the capital. Covered by long woody trees, the luscious hills were a treat to the eyes. The cicada that sang in the long summer was a symphony she loved out of all.