Past 2

Agatha was hesitant. The chapter of Jeremy in their life was a topic she never wished to bring up. A havoc of destruction in their marriage was Jeremy. 

Jeremy was one of her brother's friends who came to Edinburgh to visit her brother. But it seemed something else caught his eyes. Wrong room and at the wrong time was the cause of all this. 

Agatha was no more than fifteen at that time, her room chamber being at the same floor as her brother. It was then when Jeremy entered her room by mistake. As if that was not bad enough, she was changing at that time, with most of her back revealed. Just a mistake where Jeremy entered the room and left immediately as he realized his mistake but that small mistake for her became something else for Jeremy.

The long dark hairs that were left untouched let flow down his shoulder. Agatha didn't have to see that man's face to recognize the man. She was well aware of who he was and why he was here.