
" But what about you? Did you ever tell me you have feelings for me even for once?" Xavier continued. 

"Is that supposed to make any difference?" Agatha scorned, avoiding his intense gaze. 

"Yes! Yes, it will! I wish to know that I am the one you love, not some bastard named Jeremy. That's the difference. There is no man in the world who can accept their wife loving someone else and happily accepting it." 

Agatha suddenly glanced up at his words, swallowing hard. As their faces were just a few inches apart. His passionate gaze stirred the strings of her heart. If she knew that his insecurity came from her not saying those words she would have already said it. 


"Your Majesty, her highness needs to have her medicine." The voice from outside caught the both off guard, making them peek towards the door. 

Xavier immediately got up, fixing his clothes while Agatha rubbed the tears off her cheeks, trying to sit up straight.