
The deep, passionate dance captivating her lips and dominating them. Agatha almost lost grasp of her mind as she embraced her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

"No. Caleb dirtied my dress just now." Laila came up with a lie, as she sat back on the table. 

"I see." Agatha didn't pay much attention and motioned her head in understanding. 

"Is the tree house in the hills still there?" Agatha asked as her tone shifted in excitement. 

"I have not visited since you got married. Going there alone is not really interesting and fun."  Laila remarked, reminiscing about the old days. 

"It's been almost a decade since I last went there…" Agatha blurted out, not thinking much.

"A decade?" It was only at Laila's question that Agatha realized how big of a blunder she caused. 

"I mean it feels like a decade since I visited the place." Agatha cleared up with a peal of nervous laughter.