Chakra weapon techniques

__Kuki's POV __

It's been five days since I've left Smooth ore village leaving behind my beloved family.I miss them already.

I've been traveling with Uncle Isane,He's my dad's best friend and former boss,former boss since dad retired from being a samurai,duh..

He's a surprisingly caring person although his demeanor seems aloof and strict,he's like family to me since I've known him since I was born(in this world at least).He has short and flowy brown hair,tanned skin and a grumpy resting face and he's like super jacked.

He's a samurai,a samurai captain to be exact.I asked him to let me join the samurai corps a while ago because it was the only way I could gain more power as of yet.So for the past few days,he's been explaining to me all their is to know about being a samurai and the samurai corps.

Because of the land of iron's long history,the samurai corps have existed for far longer than the shinobi villages though it had been on the decline as shinobi training grew in popularity.

Currently the only branch of the samurai corps still active is the land of iron branch,the current leader is samurai general Mifune,a strong samurai capable of slicing a small forest with one swing.

Although it wasn't shown in the anime,samurais don't lose out to shinobis in terms of strength,an apprentice samurai is comparable to a genin,a full fledged samurai is comparable to a chunin and a samurai captain can fight with a jonin on equal ground while a samurai general can face of against a kage level shinobi comfortably.

Although they can't normally utilize any genjutsu or ninjutsu,they make up for it with their mastery in kenjustu,their overwhelming physical strength and various chakra sword techniques.

Chakra weapon techniques are techniques that allow a samurai to imbue chakra into their weapons to use them in combat.For example ,a well known example of this is the chakra flow technique that is used by Asume Sarutobi,son of the third hokage.

The user of this technique channels their chakra into their weapon in a specific way so that the range and sharpness of said weapon increase.This is one of the basic chakra weapon techniques that every samurai is required to know.

Not only that,the technique chakra flow have two advanced applications only used by strong and experienced samurais.The first is the chakra flow:nature enchant technique which adds on to the usual chakra flow boosts with additional attributes granted to weapons depending on which chakra nature the samurai channel into their weapons.

And lastly,Chakra flow:full body,only those with the highest degree of mastery in chakra flow and perform this technique.By treating their own body as a weapon,the user circulates their own chakra around their body at high speed with the help of breathing in a certain way,causing their body to be covered in a smooth blue aura increasing their physical ability by up to 10 fold their original strength.It's like a safer version of Might Guy's eight gates,although it's not as powerful,but with high enough mastery,the user takes no backlash and because their just circulating their own chakra,the chakra expenditure is none existent with enough mastery.