two monsters

It was early in the morning,the sun was only revealing part of itself as Kuki was laying on his bed,sleeping soundly.

"KUKI!!!TODAY'S THE DAY!!!"Hozuki,standing directly outside of Kuki's room yelled as loud as he could in an excited tone.

Unsurprisingly,this woke Kuki up.Although he's fully awake,Kuki refused to leave the comfort of his bed as Hozuki continued to shout excitedly.

"Five more minut-"When Kuki was about to finish casting his magic spell,Hozuki abruptly burst into Kuki's room and quickly picked up the young samurai like he's a collectible merchandise.

"Let's go!"Before Kuki could even retaliate,the ever hyper Hozuki had already brought him outside, in front of their carriage while Kuki was still in his pajamas(which were covered in Chibi Hanabi symbols btw)

"There you go"Hozuki said as he plopped Kuki down as if he's putting down an action figure.

"Oh!you two are already here!"Isane chuckled as he stepped out from their carriage.

"Hozuki dragged me here before I could get prepared-"Kuki said while pouting.

"Worry not!Knowing your horrible sleep habits and Hozuki's "tendencies",we had already brought your luggage here and here's a change of clothes,we can't have you wearing "that" can we?"Isane said in a helpless tone before handing a few pieces of clothing to Kuki as Kuki frowned upon hearing Isane calling his custom made Hanabi pajamas "that".

"Which division is the tournament at Captain?"Hozuki asked with a curiously tone as Kuki was still slightly frowning.

"The current strongest division of course"Isane sighed.

"The one that's under the direct command of General Mifune?"Kuki inquired as Isane immediately nodded in conformation.

"Whoa we're going to the 1st division?!"Hozuki asked excitedly as Kuki,Isane and Mizoe,who is the one driving, nodded.

__Kuki POV __

While we were traveling,Uncle Isane explained to rules of the tag team rookie tournament and the rewards for winning.

Since the 3rd,6th,15th and 20th divisions withdrew due to not having any members fitting to join the tournament,there's 16 divisions participating leading to the tournament having 4 rounds in total.Our opponents would be decided randomly and once you lose,you're out.

In the matches,participants are encouraged to use all of their abilities to win as long as they don't kill anyone.Participants will fight in a square arena that's 20 x 20 meters.If you are pushes out of the arena you're disqualified for the round,if you're no longer able to fight,you're disqualified for the round.The team with at least one member remaining wins.Participants that are pushed out of the arena aren't allowed to interfere in any way.

For the rewards,the division in first place will get 50% more funding for three years, two chakra weapon techniques of the participant's choosing and 1 request for the general.For second place,the division will get 25% more funding for three years and 1 chakra weapon technique of their choosing.For third and fourth place,the divisions will get 10% more funding for three years.

Hearing the rewards,Hozuki who was already excited got way more fired up.On the other hand,Kuki was silently grinning thinking about the strong opponents he'll face.Looking at the two,Isane sighed as the tournament was not ready to face the two monsters in front of him.