Chapter 14 Matt's Scheme

My heart raced frantically as I watched Sophia's suspicious gaze sweep across the study. I hid behind the curtain, my heart pounding in my chest with an intensity that felt overwhelming.


I tried to make myself as small as possible, hoping against hope that I would go unnoticed. However, Sophia's steps brought her closer, and for a moment, it felt as though she had locked eyes with me. My breath caught in my throat, anticipation gripping me tightly.


But then, to my surprise, she lowered her body and picked up an earring from the floor. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized she had not discovered my hiding place. "I knew I must have lost this somewhere. But I never thought I could find it here," she mused.


Matt's impatience echoed in his voice as he responded, "Good. Business first. Do you still remember our mission?"