Chapter 34 I Missed You

As I ventured deeper into the woods, the looming darkness wrapped around me like a suffocating shroud. Every rustle, every eerie sound amplified my fear, sending shivers down my spine. The night had fallen, casting a veil of uncertainty over everything—shadows danced, creating menacing shapes, while the nocturnal creatures added their own mysterious chorus.


"Alex, where are you?" I called out, my voice quivering with worry, its echo bouncing off the trees, a haunting reminder of my anxious heart.


Just as I was on the verge of giving up, a growl pierced the silence, drawing me forward. With renewed determination, I hastened my steps, following the source of the sound.


There, amidst the dimly lit clearing, two wolves stood locked in a fierce confrontation. Their breaths were heavy, mingling with the scent of blood that tainted the air. And amidst the violent tableau, a third wolf watched, emitting a mournful cry that pierced my soul.