Mob Ties

As Kazuki walked away from the encounter with Rei, his heart still brimming with the satisfaction of being a hero, he couldn't help but feel an eerie presence lurking in the shadows. The bustling city street seemed to grow silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the impending darkness.

Unbeknownst to Kazuki, a sinister force had set its sights on him. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of shadowy figures emerging from the alleys, their presence sending shivers down his spine. His heart raced as the realization dawned upon him—they were members of the notorious Yakuza.

Before he could react, strong arms restrained Kazuki from behind, pinning him in place. The sound of menacing chuckles filled the air, chilling his bones.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a voice hissed, dripping with malice. "Looks like we caught ourselves a little rat snooping around where he shouldn't be."

Kazuki's eyes widened in terror as the Yakuza members encircled him, their sinister gazes fixed upon him like hungry predators ready to pounce. Panic welled up within him, but he struggled against his captors with all his might, determined not to go down without a fight.

Amidst the commotion, a figure emerged from the darkness—a man with a twisted grin etched across his face, his eyes gleaming with a madness that sent chills down Kazuki's spine. This was Kojiro, a notorious member of the Yakuza known for his sadistic nature and the koi fish tattoo adorning his tongue.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kojiro drawled, his voice laced with a venomous charm. "Seems like our little rat has quite the fight in him. But don't worry, we'll make sure you won't be squealing to anyone about our little operation here."

As Kazuki struggled against his restraints, fear coursing through his veins, Kojiro approached him with a gleaming blade in his hand. The chilling glint of steel reflected the dim city lights, intensifying the aura of impending doom.

"You see, my dear boy," Kojiro whispered, his voice dripping with sadistic delight, "I have a particular fondness for collecting tongues and fingers. It's a little hobby of mine. And you, my friend, have just become my latest acquisition."

As Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueling his determination to escape this nightmarish predicament. He knew that in order to survive, he would need to summon every ounce of courage within him.

But just as Kojiro raised the blade, prepared to carry out his sadistic plan, a sudden interruption echoed through the stillness. A voice, cold and detached, cut through the tension like a knife.

"Hold on a minute, Kojiro," a deep voice boomed, freezing everyone in their tracks.

Kojiro's eyes narrowed, his sadistic smile fading slightly. He turned to face the newcomer—a towering figure shrouded in darkness, exuding an aura of power and danger. This was Katsuro, the feared leader of the Yakuza clan.

"Let's have some fun with our little rat before we proceed," Katsuro suggested, his voice laced with a sinister undertone.

Kazuki's heart sank, realizing that his escape was not imminent. The situation had escalated beyond his worst nightmares. Bound and helpless, he prepared himself for what lay ahead, knowing that his survival would require not only physical strength but also unwavering resolve.