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As fate would have it, Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya found themselves inadvertently stumbling upon Detective Sakura's office. The door swung open with a bone-chilling creak, revealing the imposing figure of Detective Sakura herself, known for her sharp intuition and unwavering dedication. The trio froze in their tracks, their bodies paralyzed by an overwhelming sense of awe.

Detective Sakura's eyes narrowed, her piercing gaze scanning the trio from head to toe. A commanding aura surrounded her, making it feel as if time stood still. Kazuki mustered up the courage to speak, his voice trembling slightly.

"W-We apologize for the intrusion, Detective Sakura. We were just trying to find our way to the orientation hall."

Tatsuya's usual cheerful demeanor faltered, and he attempted to crack a joke, though his nervousness was evident. "Hehe, just a minor detour on our path to greatness. We'll be on our way now, ma'am."

But Detective Sakura's stern expression remained unchanged. She leaned forward in her chair, her presence becoming even more imposing. The silence in the room grew heavy as Detective Sakura spoke, her voice laced with authority.

"You've stumbled into forbidden territory," Detective Sakura said in a deep, commanding tone. "Such trespasses do not go unpunished."

Kazuki's heart raced, and he exchanged a worried glance with Tatsuya and Tomoya, who shared his anxiety. Before they could react, Detective Sakura's stern façade melted away, replaced by a mischievous smile.

"Just kidding! I couldn't resist testing your mettle," Detective Sakura chuckled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Consider it a sneak peek into the unpredictability of our profession. Welcome to the world of law enforcement, where surprises await at every turn."

Tatsuya and Tomoya let out a collective sigh of relief, their tense shoulders relaxing. Kazuki couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle, relieved by the unexpected turn of events.

"You had us on edge there, Detective Sakura," Kazuki said, a mixture of amusement and gratitude in his voice.

Detective Sakura grinned, radiating a sense of warmth. "Well, it's all part of the initiation process. Gotta see if you rookies can handle the unexpected."

With a graceful motion, Detective Sakura extended a hand toward them. "Enough suspense for one day. Let's put this behind us and focus on the orientation. Welcome to the challenging yet rewarding world of law enforcement."

As Kazuki extended his hand for a handshake, Sakura enthusiastically reached out to greet him. However, in her excitement, she accidentally tripped and stumbled forward, pulling Kazuki along with her. In a comical twist of fate, Kazuki found himself briefly entangled in a rather awkward position.

Startled, Kazuki's face turned bright red, and Sakura, equally flustered, quickly untangled herself and backed off, scratching the back of her head. She let out a nervous laugh and apologized profusely, assuring Kazuki that it was all just a clumsy mishap.

Embarrassed but trying to maintain a sense of humor, Kazuki managed a shy smile and reassured Sakura that he was alright. They both shared a light-hearted laugh, realizing the absurdity of the situation.

As Kazuki found himself in an amusing situation with Sakura, Tatsuya and Tomoya observed the hilarity unfold from a short distance away. Their mischievous minds sparked with the idea of experiencing a similar "heavenly" encounter. With mischievous grins, they decided to seize the opportunity for some light-hearted fun.

Tatsuya, unable to contain his excitement, approached Sakura with an exaggerated bow and an overly enthusiastic greeting. "Please, Sakura-san, would you honor me with a handshake as well?" he exclaimed, flashing a cheeky grin.

Sakura, bemused by Tatsuya's dramatic flair, couldn't help but play along. She extended her hand, and just as Tatsuya prepared for a friendly shake, Tomoya jumped in, mimicking Tatsuya's actions with an equally exaggerated bow.

"Wait, Sakura-san! I too wish to experience the legendary handshake!" Tomoya proclaimed, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Caught off guard by the sudden tandem request, Sakura couldn't help but burst into laughter. She shook her head in amusement but decided to go along with the duo's antics.

As Tatsuya and Tomoya extended their hands for a handshake, Sakura playfully pulled them into a gentle but exaggerated embrace. The trio found themselves buried in Sakura 's treasure , their expressions showed that of a man intoxicated with pheromones.

Tatsuya, Tomoya, and eventually released their hold, their cheeks flushed with mirth.

Regaining their composure, Tatsuya and Tomoya exchanged grateful nods with Sakura, expressing their appreciation for the shared joy.

Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya exchanged determined glances, their initial trepidation transforming into a newfound resolve. They each shook Detective Sakura's hand, a symbol of their commitment.

"Thank you, Detective Sakura," Kazuki said, his voice filled with renewed determination. "We're ready to face the trials and tribulations that lie ahead."

Detective Sakura's demeanor softened momentarily, a twinkle of pride in her eyes. "I'll be keeping an eye on you rookies. Remember, the path you've chosen requires strength and resilience. But with dedication and a dash of luck, you might just become exceptional officers."

As they left the office, Kazuki couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The journey they were embarking on was unknown and challenging, yet full of promise. Little did he know, this encounter with Detective Sakura would be the first of many inspiring and amusing moments on his path to becoming a police officer. However, as they hurriedly made their way down the hall, the trio couldn't shake off the lingering sense of awe from Detective Sakura's presence. They exchanged eager glances, fueled by the anticipation of what awaited them.