A Hunter's Government

Due to the old government failing to protect the people, a new government took the place of the old one. The hunters are not only a force to be reckoned with but are the only ones that are allowed to leave the city (being to only ones past the gates).

The hunter's council, made up of six hunters from each branch, controls everything regarding the walls and what happens in the city itself. There is no president or democracy amongst the citizens, only the laws that the hunters enforce. Yes, the citizens have less rights then the compared to the hunters, but only for the reason of controlling the ignorant.

The hunter all over the city have a gathering once every two years to change the hunter's council if needed, or to add a member if one has fallen. This democracy is only found within the hunters is not a secret from the citizens, yes there have been some outburst and boycotts from the citizens, but they lack the understanding and knowledge hunters hold.

The hunters control the food source, water source, usage of any materials, designing the city's (above and underground), and controlling systems consisting of the currency, to the internet. The citizens are in control of clothing, and maintaining the city's weapons(cleaning), and cleanliness of the city.

The old government's laws were far less controlling than the hunters, but times have changed. Human were bring killed off by the thousands each month, humanity was being erased from existence. Hunters and citizens were known as one, not as two, opening us up to the creatures/beast that killed us simply for sport.

By keeping the citizens as followers, hunters can be the only leaders that follow a superior council that creates, enforces, and punishes anyone who doesn't abide by their laws. In the old government run by citizens, God was a very important part of their rules, but there is no room for God in the hunter's government. Religion is still found within the city, but the hunter's laws can be considered superior then God's ways at times.

The punishments dished out by the hunter's government can be cruel but happens for a reason. Very rarely do the punishment consist of execution or banishment, only the traitors and liabilities are given such a punishment.

The Hunter council's laws.

1.No body, hunters or citizens, are safe from the laws. No one is above the law, not even the council.

2.If you know of an infected, notify the council immediately. If found guilty of hiding an infected, the punishment is being labeled as a liability and losing rights.

3.Hiding secrets from the council regarding the creatures/beast (or their creations) is forbidden. Punishable by execution or banishment.

4.Theft or killing one another is punishable by the loose of limbs or rights.

5.If found with stolen property from the council, punishment by banishment or execution is considered.

6.Everything regarding materials must be requested for. If found stolen, it is punishable by hard labor creating the material they were trying to steal, sunrise to sunset for two months.

7.Citizens must have special training to own only 6 handguns or 8 switch blades at a time. Failure to go to these classes and being found with a weapon is punishable by being forced to take two classes of the special training classes instead of one.

8.Only hunters are allowed to leave the city under the council's direct order. If found outside without a direct order, the hunter is city bound for one year.

9.Citizens have to make special request if they want an animal's pelt, meat that's not found within the city's livestock, or anything that's not in the city.

10.One would become a liability if they chose to ignore the laws, or purposely endanger the lives of those around them. Once a liability, rights will be taken away.

11.Failure to respect authority will be dealt with by hard physical labor, via working sunrise to sunset for three months.

12.The Hunter's council laws will override and will take priority over any religion found in the city in a moment's notice.

13.Relationships between hunters and citizens are allowed but discouraged because of the different lifestyles each one lives.

14.Following religions is a choice, obeying the Hunter's council is not. Harsh punishments such as hard labor for eight months, sunrise to sunset will be given.

15.Crops and livestock are to be carefully used and stored with care, any food waste is punishable by helping to create the food, sunrise to sunset, for four months.

16.Every citizen is to take a lesson in self-defense/fighting once a month after they turn 18. Failure to take these classes is reinforced with three classes a month for two months.

17.Failure to act with care around the walls is punishable by being labeled a liability and the loose of rights.

18.Prisons are to hold and correct anyone they hold for a max of 5 years.

19.Children are to be raise with manners, hunter or citizen.

20.Drugs and alcohol are legal, once a class is taken about addiction and proper usage. If someone is caught using them incorrectly or giving them to people who haven't taken the class, it is punishable by hard labor in any category, sunrise to sunset for six months.

21.Medication is to be used with care and only used if needed. If medication is found being wasted or not properly stored, the punishable by being forced into three classes about medication and how to properly store it, being the medication that was wasted or not properly stored.

22.Abuse of any kind with not be tolerated within the city. If caught abusing children or sexually abusing anyone will result in hard labor for years outside of the cities protection. Work with the hunters will Ensure protection for citizens, but hunters found guilty of child/sexual abuse will be put on the front lines.