Chapter 1- Fresh Start:

It Was Dark The Moon Out In Full View, A Mist Swept The Streets Of Kyoto As A Van Rushed Down The Street's It Was Rusty So It Was Even Surprising That It Still Ran Properly. It Seemed To Be Driven By A Pawn Shop Owner As The Cargo He Was Carrying Was None Other Than The Dog Mans Corpse.

"I've Got The One, A Real One As well As Some Other Trinkets We Could Use" He Spoke Into His Walkie Talkie As He Arrived At The Location Of The Horror Attraction It Was Practically Finished All It Needed Was The Legendary Decorations Of The Old Burger Barn.

The Man Who Drove The Van Was Old And Covered With Very Noticeable Spots And Puckered Lips, He Wore Glasses Too. His Name Was Maxwell, He Dragged Out The Corpse To The Official New CEO Of Doug's Burger Barn Ryan. As Ryan Bent Down To Inspect It He Looked Intrigued He Knew This Would Be Perfect For A Horror Attraction.

"Alright Its Perfect Just Watch When You're Bringing It Inside We Don't Want The Merchandise Being Damaged" He Commanded As He Gestured Two Security Guards To Pick It Up. He Handed Maxwell The Money About £500 For Retrieving An Important Piece Of History.

As The Security Guards Came They Grabbed The Disfigured, Amalgamated And Ruined Corpse Into The Storage Room It Was However Very Tough As The Corpse Was Heavier Then A Stack Of Bricks But They Successfully Managed It After About 40 Minutes.

After Slanting The Body On The Wall, They Took A Breather Before Taking Out Some Cigars To Smoke, The Clouds From The Cigarettes Creating Almost A Mist Around The Room. As They Examined The Corpse With There Eyes.

"So This Is The Legendary Killer In The Flesh Some Kind Of Cyborg Murderer That's Something You Don't See Everyday" The One On The Right Joked, "Yeah This Motherfucker Could Run So Fast That He Couldn't Be Even Tracked On Cameras" The One The Left Explained.

"Hey I've Always Wanted To Do This Though" The One On The Right Exclaimed As He Kicked The Corpse In The Head. "Hey What Are You Doing! That's Important Merchandise! " The One On The Left Yelled. "He Deserves This He's A Killer So Might As well Give Him A Few Kicks Not Damage Him Too Much Ahaha" The Latter Laughed.

Then The Eye Of Dogman Flashed Green, But The Security Guard Didn't Take Notice Then Suddenly It Stood Up In A Flash. The Security Guard Backed Away, "What The Fuck! He's Alive" The One On The Right Yelled Pulling Out A Tazer Firing It In A Swift Speed. As The Tazer Made Contact With The Corpse The Electricity Did Nothing To Dog Man As It Ripped The Wire Out. It Then Grabbed The Security Guards Arm And Twisted It Snapping His Bones With Ease.

He Fell To The Floor In Agony Rolling Around As Dog Man Stomped On His Skull The Frontal Bone Snapping Killing Him Easily. The Other One Pulled Out A Baton Hitting Dog Man On The Back Of The Head But That Merely Pissed Him Off. As The Walking Corpse Whispered Into His Ear "Goodnight Mule" Before Punching Him Through The Chest Blood Seeping Out His Back Like A Fountain As He Dropped To The Floor Lifeless.

As The Dog Man Stared At The Bodies He Then Looked At His One Arm "It Seems Plan B Has Enabled I Will Make My Creator Proud" He Stated Throwing The Bodies In A Nearby Locker And Returning To His Slouched Position.

Outside, Unknowingly They All Thought Everything Was Going To Plan However It Was Far From It...