Chapter 6- Ruin:

As He Entered, Inside The House, Everything Is Peaceful And Quiet. The Lights Are Off, And The Only Sound Is The Soft Sound Of Breathing From The Sleeping Family. Everything Is Peaceful And Comfortable, And There Is No Sense Of Danger Or Threat. It Is A Night For Rest And Rejuvenation, And The Family Slept Peacefully In Their Beds, Knowing That They Are Safe And Protected.

The Middle Of The Night Is The Most Peaceful Time In The House, And It Is Always A Relief When Everyone Finally Gets To Sleep. However Andrew Was The Most Sleepy So He Quickly Snuggled Up Beside Sayu He Did It Quietly So She Didn't Wake Up.

He Felt Her Soft Breaths As She Slept Peacefully It Was Like Cute Breaths Of A Nice Angel Each Breath Was Warm And Comforting, Making His Entire Past Ordeal Fade Away. Soon His Eyes Began Too Shut As He Faded Into A Deep Sleep. Hopefully Tomorrow Was Just Gonna Be Another Day, A Day Of Safety.

The Next Day Eventually Passed, There Was An Aroma Of Nature Like Perfume The Sunlight Shining Through The Window Glistening Beautifully. Andrew Saw Sayu Still Resting Near Him Of Course He Didn't Wanna Wake Her Up So He Quickly Darted To The Window. He Examined Outside To See If The Mystery Stalker Was Waiting For Him, However There Was Nothing There But His Paranoia Would Not Fade Even If He Couldn't See The Mystery Guy.

As He Went Downstairs To Get Breakfast, A Simple Cereal To Help Him Start The Day He Was Still Dreading Even Going To Work. "What If I Say Sorry To Him? No That Would Probably Piss Him Off More" He Thought To Himself Countless Similar Thoughts Rushed Through His Head Too. He Then Heard Footsteps Coming Down The Stairs But Luckily It Was Just Sayu In Her Green Pajamas.

Andrew Breathed Calmly Sighing In Relief. "Morning Andrew-kun, How's It Going? " She Asked Completely Blind To What Happened To Him Yesterday. "Oh It's Going Great, I Just Arrived Late Because Of A Little Incident Nothing Much" He Laughed Nervously His Goal Was To Make Sayu Less Worried As Last Time He Did Made Her She Nearly Lost Her Jaw.

"Oh Alright... But Remember You Can Always Tell Me Anything" She Smiled Giving Him A Light Kiss On The Cheek Before Leaving To Take Out The Laundry. Andrew Felt A Bit More Positive Because Of Sayus Sign Of Affection, As He Got Up From His Seat After Finishing His Cereal. He Walked Outside To Examine His Car.

He Checked To See If There Was Any Scratches On His Beautiful Ride However There Was Nothing Luckily Yesterday's Ordeal Didn't Harm His Car But Most Importantly Not Harm Him Either. As He Entered He Started Up The Car Up, Starting His Usual Journey. He Made Occasional Checks Behind Himself To Make Sure He Wasn't Followed.

However, The Mysterious Driver Was Two Cars Behind Him He Was Smart Enough To Know That Andrew Would Easily Predict His Moves If He Didn't Change His Methods. "I Can See You Andrew Don't Worry I'll Be Observing For Now But Don't You Worry I'll Be Sure To Gut You Like A Fish" Colt Cackled To Himself. Andrew Completely Unaware In Front Of The Two Cars.

As He Arrived At The Bakery/Restaurant, "Sushi I Ciasta", He Saw Sunny In A Gloomy Mood His Face Had A Painted Sense Of Anguish On It. "Umm Sunny What's With The Face? " He Replied Confused And Intrigued. "The Boss... She Wants You Upstairs" Sunny Replied In A Whisper Like His Soul Has Been Sucked Out Of Him. As Andrew Walked Upstairs And Into The Bosses Office She Looked Pissed.

"Oh Welcome Andrew" Maki Smiled Which Contrasted Her Current Expression. He Sat Down In Front Of Her Reluctantly, "What Seems To Be The Problem Boss? " He Asked With A Worried Look. "We Seemed To Have Gotten A Complaint Yesterday But It's No Big Deal" She Laughed Ominously. "Oh That's Great That Means I Can Go Back To Work? " He Laughed Nervously Back.

She Then Slammed The Desk Making It Rattle, "Of Course It Wasn't No Big Deal, You Think It's Funny Pouring Ketchup Onto Customers! " She Said Infuriated. "Well You See It Was A Little Slip Up... " He Smiled Nervously. "Dumbass Because Of You We Have Gotten A First One Star Review, For Terrible Customer Service, So Instead Of Firing You I'm Decreasing You're Wage, And I Don't Wanna Hear No Buts! Got It? " She Asked Angrily.

"Yes Ma'am" He Replied Quietly Bowing In Respect. "Great You Can Get Back To Work Then" She Seemed To Have A Calm Tone Now Evident In Her Voice But She still Had A Tinge Of Anger Evident, Andrew Soon After Left The Room To Get Back To Work.