Chapter 9- Nothing Left To Want:

As It Was Already Dark, Andrew Walked June To His Car She Could Barely Walk After The Drinks And Her Voice Was Inaudible. "And I Thought I Was Childish You Really Gotta Calm Down With The Drinks" He Scolded Her. "Shut Up Idiot! " She Replied Giggling In A Slurred Tone.

As He Layed Her Down In The Passenger Seat, He Started Up The Car And Drove At A Steady Pace To Avoid Sickness As He Pulled Up Near An Abandoned Warehouse He Woke Up June. "Hey June Wake Up Damn It I Need That Information" He Asked Her Repeatedly But She Was Fast Asleep However A Sudden Honk Of Trucks Horn Woke Her Up.

"Oh Umm Andrew What's Up? " She Asked Puzzled. Andrews Eyes Widened As He Looked Around For The Source Of The Sound. Suddenly A Rusty Old Truck Burst Out Of The Building Like A Wild Animal, And It Was Clear That The Driver Had An Eye On Andrew As His Prey. "Andrew Get Us Out Of Here!" June Yelled In Panic, Andrew Swiftly Motioned His Hand On The Gear Stick And Floored It Down The Street.

In The Streets, The Truck Was Like A Roaring Beast, And It Was Determined To Catch Up To The Car. It Chased After The Car With A Fury That Seemed To Have No Limits, And Nothing Could Stop It. The Car Was Fast, But The Truck Was A Force To Be Reckoned With. This Was A Race Of Fury And Determination, And It Was Not Meant To End Until One Of The Vehicles Was Destroyed.

As Andrew Raced And Passed Cars The Truck Was Behind Him, He Was Sweating Heavily. "Sick Fucking Bastard!" He Yelled As He Looked At The Rear View Mirror And He Saw A Familiar Face, It Was Colt. "Who's Even Driving That Thing And Why Does He Want To Kill Us!" She Exclaimed In A Panicked Tone. "It's Colt Of Course The Sick Bastard He Never Gives Up" He Replied.

"Colt, That Serial Killer We're Tracking Down, Why Does He Want You? " She Asked Confused. "I Ruined His Jacket" He Replied, "That Seems Pathetic To Me" She Replied Shrugging Her Shoulders. "Yeah I Thought That Too But This Guys Serious" Andrew Chuckled Nervously.

As The Rusty Truck Behind Honked As A Way To Scare Off Other Cars To Clear The Way. Colt Stared Through The Windshield And Smiled Like A Devil, "Ahaha Pathetic You're Like A Mouse Trapped In A Maze, There's No Escape From Me" He Yelled. As He Then Decided To Plough Through The Footpath As He Did, He Had No Regards For Civilians.

Andrew Looked From Behind And Noticed Realizing He Was Trying To Get Closer And Closer To Knock Them Off Course By Sudden Attack. Suddenly Colt Smashed Through A Bus Shelter The Glass Shattering On The Ground Into Tiny Pieces Like Tiny Pebbles As He Made Contact With The Car Giving It A Nudge, Andrew However Managed To Keep A Steady Balance.

The Exhaust Stack On The Truck Created A Steam That Almost Made Andrew Completed Blind To What Was In Front Of Him Like A Fog As well As Causing Him To Cough Repeatedly Due To The Heavy Volume Of The Steam. As The Smoke Cleared He Floored It Again His Foot Pressing On The Pedal Trying To Gain The Distance From The Murderous Vehicular Weapon.

Then He Saw The Same Train Crossing He Used To Get Away From Colt The Last Time. "Bingo!" Andrew Spoke With Glee, "Bingo? " June Looked Puzzled But Then Looked On With Fear. "Are You Crazy A Train Is Coming There's No Way Were Gonna Make It!" She Screamed, Andrew Ignored As He Darted At 140 MPH However The Truck Easily Caught Up. As He Heard The Train Coming He Crashed Through Exit Gate, The Truck Was Right On The Tail But It Was Too Late.

The Train Rammed Through The Truck Sending Debris And Parts Of The Truck Flying As The Train Was Stopped In Its Tracks And The Truck Was Toppled Onto Its Side However Andrew Was Too Focused On Escaping To Take Any Notice Of The Aftermath.