Chapter 16- Like A Disguise:

"Hmm Hand To Hand Combat" He Snickered At Colt, Tilting His Head In Curiosity. "You Know You're Not The First Idiot Who Decided To Fight Me Hand To Hand But Just Like That Guy I'll Kill You I Might Have An Arm Missing But I'll Still Tear You Apart!" He Cackled As He Dashed At Colt. The Latter Dodged With Swift Pace Before Punching Him Full Force In The Face Causing Him To Stumble Back At Bit.

"Hmm I Sense Stronger Determination In You Like That Old Man I Thought Last Time, Well This Is Gonna Be An Interesting Fight!" He Cracked His Neck Side To Side Before Charging Again As This Time He Used His Powerful Claw To Swipe At Colt, The Latter Dodged Yet Again However With Zlatkos Speed It Was Too Much As One Swipe Eventually Got Through And Teared A Piece Of His Clothing. But When Zlatko Was Wide Open Colt Took The Opportunity And Shoved Into Him Knocking Him Against The Wall.

Then With Phenomenal Speeds, Started Pummeling The Walking Corpse With His Fists Each Hit Landing Into Zlatkos Chest Each Hit Became More Aggressive Than The Other, Pieces Of Zlatkos Suit Flew Off With Each Punch. However When Zlatko Regained His Composure He Punched Colts Fist As It Connected Colt Felt His Bones Inside His Knuckle Instantly Break And In The Blink Of An Eye Zlatko Uppercuts Colt Sending Him Flying Into A Commercial Storage Cabinet.

"You See No One Can Beat The True Monster, That Is Me But Like I Always Say Revenge Is Profitable, Gratitude Is Expensive" He Grew A Crooked Smile On His Face. "You Colt Have One Major Problem You Think Being Wise And Calm Like Andrew Will Help You're Case But I Say Screw That, Just Kill The Bastards Who Have Wronged You!" He Laughed Maniacally.

As Zlatko Turned Towards Andrew, Andrews Skin Began To Crawl Seeing His Old Foe Face To Face Yet Again. As Colt Emerged Yet Again With A Limp His Hand Accidentally Pushed Aside Gasoline Onto An Exposed Wire Coupled With The Hydrogen Already In The Air From The Broken Pipes It Sent Off A Chain Reaction, As Zlatko Turned Around And His Eyes Widened "Oh Shi-" Before He Could Finish Everything Went Up In Flames As Parts Of The Building Exploded.

Rubble Fell Down Everywhere Burying Zlatko And Andrew Along With Colt. The Smell Of Ash And Fire Filled The Air, However Andrew Managed To Emerge As He Dusted Himself Off He Looked Around Himself To Only See Everything In Ruin, The Place Was Lit Up Like A Scorching Sun. As He Tried To Make His Way Out He Saw Colt However In Bad Condition.

"Colt?" He Looked In Shock As He Saw That He Was Impaled By An Cast Iron Pole. As He Rushed To Him And Got On His Level Colt Suddenly Woke Up, "A-Andrew?" He Stuttered As The Ash Entered His Lungs. "Colt I'm Gonna Help You" He Replied With Worry As He Tried To Pry The Pipe Out Of Him. Colt Shook His Head Already Knowing The Outcome, "There's No Point However Thanks Andrew, For Showing Me The Error Of My Ways At Least I'll See Her Beyond The Stairs" He Smiled Before Closing His Eyes, His Heartbeat Stopping And His Body Going Limp.

"Damn It... I Need To Get Out Of Here" Andrew Thought To Himself Then He Found A Door He Ran Through It By Elbowing It Successfully Breaking It And Letting Him Free. Outside He Could See Waves Of Firetrucks Coming To Scene Their Sirens Echoing Throughout The Town. Andrew Ran Into An Alley To Check On His Wounds As He Examined His Body Thoroughly Thankfully Their Was No Serious Damage Just Bruises He Did Also Have Trouble Breathing But That Wouldn't Stop Him.

Meanwhile Back At The Burning Building, Zlatko Emerged Yet Again Tiny Stones Falling Off His Back As He Emerged He Scanned Around The Room Before Getting Up. He Noticed Colts Corpse And Merely Scoffed "Typical Humans Weak And Brittle Just As Usual". He Then Turned His Head To The Side Noticing A Phone Through Scanning It He Discovered It Was Andrews.

This Allowed Him To Hatch A Plan Of Starting His Killing Spree Once Again However This Time He'd Specifically Target Andrew's Friends And Family Through Looking At The Contacts, Sunny Was The First To Pop Up As Sunny Has Shared His Address Countless Times With Andrew This Was Gonna Be Easy Pickings For Zlatko.