Chapter 21- Lament:

As The Door Swung Open, Sayu Instantly Ran Into His Arms Holding Him In A Tight Embrace Andrew's Face Turning To A Smile. "Welcome Back Andrew-kun... However..." She Paused And Pouted Before Slapping The Back Of His Head. "Don't You Ever Lie To Me Again Got It?" She Huffed However It Seemed More Cute Than Serious.

"Yeah Yeah I Promise" He Laughed Nervously Rubbing The Back Of His Head. Hiro Too Came Downstairs Seeing His Father, "Hey Little Man Give You're Father A Big Hug Too" He Opened His Arms Before Hiro Swooped In And Hugged Him Tightly Andrew Nuzzling Into His Shoulder.

"I Missed You Dad Don't Ever Do That Again" He Teared Up Andrew Wiped His Tears With His Left Thumb "Don't You Worry I Always Make A Promise I Swear I'll Never Leave You" He Nodded Before Scrubbing The Latter's Hair And Messing It Up. "Hey Stop Teasing Me" He Giggled As He Ran Back Into The Living Room.

As Andrew Walked Into The Living Room Breathing In The Familiar And Peaceful Air, He Noticed On The News Of The Fire That Happened At The New Location. The News Actually Interviewed Ryan (The CEO) Which Made Andrew Smile. As The News Reporters Flooded Ryan Asking "What Will Happen To Doug's Burger Barn Next?" Ryan Merely Scowled "First I Will Find The Culprit Then I Will Put Doug's Burger Barn Back On The Map I Swear I Will" He Yelled Just Before Andrew Switched Off The Screen And Layed Back On The Couch.

"I Guess It's Over" He Breathed Happily Sayu Sitting Closely Which Prompted Him To Wrap His Arms Around Her Shoulder. "I Guess You're Right Andrew-Kun" She Smiled Giving Him A Kiss On The Cheek Which Made His Body Temperature Rise To An All Time High.

Meanwhile, Back At The Doug's Burger Barn Enterprise Building, Ryan Was Pissed More Or Less Due To Losing Multiple Assets And An Entire Building. He Was Tapping His Finger On The Desk In An Aggressive Way Thinking Of What To Do Next. "That... Stupid Kid I Will Kill Him When I Ever See Him Next Time My Business Is Ruined" He Yelled Leaning Back In His Chair.

Suddenly, A Knock On The Door Came It Was The Vice CEO. "Come In I Haven't Got All Day" He Commanded With A Slight Aggressive Tone. When The Vice CEO Entered He Was Shaking Like A Rattle, "What Do You Want... Answer Me Dammit!" He Yelled Slamming His Fist Down Which Spooked The Vice CEO. "Well Sir I Need To Tell You... That We Have Lost Nearly Ten Million In The Burning Of The Revamped Doug's Burger Barn" He Sighs.

To Which Ryan Responded By Picking Up His Desk And Throwing It Into The Wall Snapping The Desk In Half And Leaving A Large Crack In The Wall, He Screamed In Rage. "Get Out... GET OUT!" He Yelled At The Top Of His Lungs Causing The Vice To Run Out The Door Faster Than A Dog. Ryan Shook His Head With Anger "I'll.... I'll Build A New Attraction Screw That Restaurant Horror Attraction" He Paused "I Will Build The Legendary Water Park!" He Laughed Hysterically.

"And No One Will Get In My Way..... "