2) Emotionlessness

The world was unfair to say the least. I was eating some medicine as the doctor fed it to me. My hands were still a little weaker, but for some reason I could clench them just fine. "When's my bill due?" I ask as I finish swallowing the medicine. The nurse thought about it. "Two days from now." I nod and coldly ignore her as I return to watching the Ghosts.

By now they'd begun to track Joker's tracks. But it's going cold, I've made enough money for the bill and I just need it to be sent to the hospital. I'll probably hand it over tomorrow. I looked outside and saw that night was approaching. I sigh.

I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, I seemed to be crying. Annoying, this sort of situation would happen randomly every then and again. It was very annoying to cry all of a sudden. I tune out the sensation and go back to watching the Ghosts kill some more robbers.

By now, five days have passed. I'm a little closer to finding a headquarters, establishing a secret organisation, and hunting Joker. But making a secret organisation is a lot closer than I thought. Most of the criminals and officers in Albert City (not a spelling error) know of these so-called criminals.

Due to repeated sparing people whilst also having the Ghosts say 'Apathy' people have already called the Ghosts, Apathy. All I need to do now is expand to ten members, gain a headquarters, and finalise some details.

It was easier said than done though. I haven't even begun finding a headquarters, contrary to my earlier words. But that was fine for now. I also had to track Joker. I believe in about a week I should be able to end Joker's game. I was seriously pissed at all the tricks he has up his sleeve. Bro for real blew an entire street up because he thought I was there for some reason. Crazy man.

But criminals aren't my only threat. The officers are also very annoying. Those people are trying to track the Ghosts. Unfortunately for them, all DNA is destroyed when it leaves the Ghost's body. In fact I also enjoy that treatment, but unlike the Ghosts. I can turn mine off at any point in time. A useful ability.

[Bank: 178,947$] Yup, I was considered one of the higher middle class people. I'm not even ten. Well in about seven months I will be. One of the Ghosts headbutted an officer who appeared before cutting off one of his ankles. If I had straight up killed the officer, those damn police would be on my trail.

I also heard that a new patient had come to the hospital yesterday, so yeah. I was learning a lot about the system as I went. Turns out the only way to gain templates was either through events and completing tasks. Events were fun.

Events were as you thought. At the beginning of every month a new event will arise. Next week will be when my first event arrives. The current event history bar was empty. Events may make you do tasks or offer discounts to things which I haven't unlocked yet. Apathy did give me a hint about the first event. Marine, army marine or aqua marine, I don't know yet.

Elsewhere. Jeanne Pendragon's POV.

I was seriously getting annoyed with my youngest roommates, Vivian. First, he seemed nice. But he's very clingy. I just don't like clingy people, they are annoying. Fucking Vivian is a clingy person. I sigh, he's too clingy for his own good. He's nice enough to live a good life, but he doesn't have any outstanding qualities.

Oh well, I'll visit him on the weekend or something, maybe on his birthday coming in the next seven days. I'll bring him a present. What do boys like at the age of nine? Come on Jeanne! You're thirteen for god's sake, it was a mere gap of four years! How can you forget when you were nine?

"Hey? Jeanne, you good?" One of my close friends and allies, Ben, came to me. "Yeah." I responded blandly to the boy who was three years older than me. Ben shrugged and a thought came to him. "You're thinking of the Viviane kid right?" I nod but also shake my head. "One, it's Vivian. Two, yes. And three, what do nine year old boys like?"

Ben put his fingers to his chin and looked at me. "Women?" He said. I slapped him across the face and he chuckled. "I was joking, maybe he likes trains?" I shake my head again. Not that I'm thinking about it, I know barely anything about his personality, likes, dislikes, and secrets. Well, maybe not the last one, I knew a lot about Vivian.

"Why not ask Grace or Logan? Grace knows Vivian the best and Logan is merely two years older than him." Ben gave me a good suggestion, I nodded and decided to contact Grace later. She may know something about Vivian.

"Oh yeah, have you heard of the neutral criminal group called Apathy?" I nod, I've been trying to follow their case. But it's always cold, their DNA is nowhere to be seen. Forensics are useless and their tactics and plans are very advanced. Judging from their actions and other witness reports, we've gathered that they're terrorists and are experienced in war.

They're ghosts even. No one knows anything about them. They just suddenly appeared. I thought about Vivian. He got into a truck accident the same day they appeared, was it intentional? Were they targeting Vivian because he's roommates with us? I feel like it's possible. But I don't know yet.

I think about that possibility some more and think of how it would benefit the terrorists to hurt Vivian. Despite my problems with his clinginess, I do care about the boy. The thought of him getting hurt because of me made me feel sick to the bone. I suddenly have an urge to go check up on him.

I won't lie, I have a secret. I'm Pendragon. In the Mediaeval times, the name was huge. Nowadays, not really. But that's where people are dead wrong. Pendragons have special and unique abilities. We hide them to make sure no one ever knows these powers exist. My special ability is sixth sense. I can sense danger to me or anyone I care for. I can also use it to sense lies, personality changes, and when huge events happen.

Five days ago, when Vivian was hit. I had a massive surge in my sixth sense. It was as if it was pleading with me to kill someone. But I don't know who. I chalked it up to me going through puberty, but I was planning on exploring the reason why I was getting so worked up, in the future. I sighed.

I wonder how he is doing right now?

Hospital. Vivian Tyrant's POV.

I watched as the Ghosts killed more people. I was still in the hospital, recovering. Where the hell did you think I was going? I laid down as I got comfy, I was going to be here for a while, alone too. Phantom had taken a man to the ground while he was struggling, before violently ripping his neck out. Blood splattered everywhere.

Quite... I don't know. Gory? I don't really know. The Ghosts were attacking a famous strip club that Joker presumably would go to. But we haven't gotten any traces yet. Not much to go off, very sad. The doctor came in, it was time to pay my bill. Fortunately, the Ghosts sent the money straight to my bank account.

"We'll collect our next payment when you get discharged." The doctor told me before scurrying off like a rat. I sneered as he left me. That doctor was a coward, I can speak for myself. Past me was a coward, but new me isn't. He was willing to go far in order to achieve his goals.

Before I could say anything further I noticed that the Ghosts were kidnapping a woman. Her name was unimportant, all I knew was that she was Joker's girl. And Joker loved her a lot, even more than he loved his job. I sadistically smile in my mind. Can I break Joker? Most people think I can't, but what if I violently violate his girl? Using that I can force him into a trap.

If I could, I would've laughed maniacally, too bad it'd hurt if I did. At most I can make sounds, but my vocal cords were injured. And so, I enter the endgame of this task I was given. And in order to do that, I'll need to do things that'd make Jeanne vomit in disgust. Then again, I'm pretty sure she already hates and is disgusted by me. I felt a little sad, but it was crushed the instant after.

Alright, let's play Joker.