In the largest residence, in plum wind city. A woman was sulking in her room, her eyes looking puffy and red. She had been crying because she was forbidden to leave.

She is An Rui, currently under house arrest. Because a few days ago, she was caught going on a date with someone. Her father who found out, immediately punished her.

"Young lady, forgive me" her bodyguard smiled bitterly, he really didn't know that her information had been leaked.

"He didn't get caught either" An Rui asked in a heavy voice, she had fallen in love with Bai Lan.

"I'm sure he wasn't caught" said the bodyguard, though she wasn't so sure.

Then not long after, someone knocked on her bedroom door. "May I come in?" said a male voice, but An Rui didn't answer.

"Dad, come in." The door opened, revealing a clean and tidy man. He looked quite luxurious, although not too luxurious.

"My daughter, I'm sorry you were too harsh yesterday. You know, Dad is the ruler of this city. What happens if you date a commoner?" An Rui's true identity is the son of the lord of the Plum wind city, An Zhou.

An Rui is his only daughter, out of 3 children. She is so dear to An Zhou, and that's why she is so guarded by him. He didn't want his son to have an ordinary partner.

An Rui is only known by a few people, she rarely leaves the house and has contact with outsiders. Because her father forbade it, and that's why she often ran away.

"Dad is selfish, I also have the right to have a relationship with anyone. I'm not a pet bird!" An Rui refuted her father, making An Zhou smile bitterly.

He also realized that he was very selfish. But he just didn't want his son to mix and mingle with the wrong people. He knew what the outside world was like.

"Okay, I'm sorry, here's the deal. I'll throw a big party and invite everyone your age. You can get acquainted with anyone" said An Zhou.

An Rui paused for a moment, then gave a small nod. She thought Bai lan would come too, since her father had said to invite everyone. "I promise, I'll invite everyone. Even ordinary people!" An Rui confirmed.

An Zhou smiled bitterly, "Yes, I promise." Even though he didn't want his son to meet that young man again, he was more sad if his son continued to cry.

Meanwhile, Zhang Kai was handcuffed in the Bai family's deepest prison. In this cell there was only him, for some time Zhang Kai was whipped continuously.

He did not rebel or scream at all, even though there were various wounds all over his body. The darkness of this prison made him remember his past, when he was arrested by the government and used.

At that time, Zhang Kai had just destroyed the experimental facility that killed his friend. He was still a child, confused about where to escape.

He ran here and there, then accidentally found someone's cottage. He stole a lot of food, but he was caught by the owner of the house.

Fortunately, the owner was kind, he took care of him and gave him a comfortable room. Zhang Kai was even given luxurious meals.

He thought the landlord was a trustworthy person. In fact, he was very wrong, the man was selling his information just for money.

Eventually, Zhang Kai was captured by hundreds of heavily armed troops. He was taken to solitary confinement, where he was tortured ruthlessly in the dark.

Although Zhang Kai eventually made it out, after killing them all. But after that incident, Zhang Kai never trusted anyone again.

"Why do I always end up in prison" Zhang Kai smiled bitterly, he was really unlucky in life.

It felt like his entire life was full of endless suffering. That always made him tormented, to the point of almost driving him crazy.

The metal door creaked, Zhang Kai frowned. "Who's coming this time?" said Zhang Kai, he was used to hearing the sound of the door, which always ended up torturing him.

"Finally, I can see you clearly" said someone, as the fire approached his face, a familiar face could be seen.

"Qian he" Zhang Kai muttered, Zhang Kai's expression changed.

"I told you, don't ever fight me. You will only end up like this, just try to obey" Qian he walked into his cell, then picked up the long whip.

"Feel this!" Qian he tortured Zhang Kai with great pleasure, not caring whether Zhang Kai would die or not.

"This is fun, I will come back again, and don't die before I come" Qian he said with a big smile.

The door closed again, "I did promise to live a better life, but I did not promise not to kill bad people" Zhang Kai muttered, holding back his emotions.

At the second elder's residence, Bai lan was studying with the second elder. Bai lan looked very lethargic, he wasn't allowed to leave the house by his father if it wasn't important.

His father was very disappointed in him, which made him very angry. Finally, Bai lan decided to stay at her uncle's residence, the second elder.

"Uncle, I'm curious, how did you know I was on trial?" Bai lan was really curious as to why his uncle knew he was in the room when he had just arrived.

"That's what your brain is for, you should use it well." The second elder actually had a lot of ears in this residence, so he knew almost everything in this residence.

"Is that why Uncle came back early, just to save me?" Bai lan said, knowing that his uncle was out of town and would return after the trial was over.

"Maybe," he said mysteriously, and Bai lan asked again out of curiosity.

"Then why did you save my servant?" He was even more curious, because why would his uncle go to the trouble of saving his servant.

"There's no reason, let's finish the matter quickly!" The second elder said, Bai lan immediately refocused. Meanwhile, the second elder smiled slightly.

The reason he left early was because of a message sent by Bai lan's teacher. He sent he Zhang Kai's answers, making him very surprised. Moreover, it was explained that the person who filled it in was only a slave.

Of course, it made the second elder very curious, how a servant was able to answer this question. In fact, this question is difficult to answer by even some scholars, this made him go home immediately.

He also saved Zhang Kai, because he liked Zhang Kai's brave attitude. He felt that Zhang Kai was an interesting person.

"Maybe I will visit later" He muttered, he wanted to have a little chat with Zhang Kai. He was sure, the chat would be interesting later.

Meanwhile, the entire Plum wind City was abuzz with news. This news was unusual, there was going to be a party for the youngest daughter of the city's ruler.

Reportedly, everyone was allowed to come to the party. Of course, the news made the whole city excited and happy, finally the youngest daughter of the city lord would be publicly introduced.

Up until now, no one had ever known what the city princess looked like. There were only rumors that came out of the mouth, but one thing was for sure, the city princess's face was beautiful.

This evidence was corroborated by several people who had met her. Although they didn't say the town princess's name, they heard the news. All the young men who heard of the party, immediately prepared themselves and bought their best clothes.

All parents who have young men in their homes, are willing to buy expensive clothes that cost a lot of money. They wanted to make their children look good, in case the city princess liked their children.

Bai San and his father had gotten the news too, "This is my chance to shine!" Bai San was very confident, he was sure of his face.

"Dad, we have to come. You got the invitation right" Bai San asked excitedly.

His father smiled, then showed the invitation that was given to all influential families in this city. "Yosshhh!!!, I'm sure the city lord's daughter will give me a look!!!" Bai San was so excited.

"You should prepare, all the important people are coming. Don't focus on the city lord's daughter, we still lack supporters. Try to make connections with as many important people as possible" said her father.

"Good dad, I'll definitely try my best. I won't let you down" Bai San cupped his hands, as a sign of his seriousness.

At Bai Zan's residence, he had also received the information. "Finally a good news" Bai Zan smiled, during these few days, he was very disappointed with his eldest son.

He didn't expect that his son would make him have to bear the shame. He was furious when he found out that his son was in a relationship with that woman.

His wife also calmed him down all the time, she was sure that her son was just complacent. Until he made contact with the woman, he was also very disappointed to hear his son like that.

"I will give him another chance, at least there is still hope" Bai Zan said with heavy breathing, these few days he was really dizzy.

At least, his son has a hope to improve his name at the party. Or even, get acquainted with the city lord's son. If successful, it is certain that his son will definitely win the successor match.