At the party, An Rui had just come out of her room. No one greeted her at first, but as soon as An Zhou approached her, and hugged her. Everyone looked at her with friendly glances.

"You're so beautiful," her father said with a warm smile, he had organized this party for her.

"Thanks Dad, but I'm embarrassed to be seen by so many people" An Rui was really embarrassed, so many people were staring at her, she had never been stared at by this many people.

"That's because you're beautiful, let's follow dad" An Zhou led his son to the main seats, seats that were prepared only for his father and An Rui.

"Wow, you're so pretty." His youngest brother praised him, while his second and first siblings were at the academy.

"Thanks brother, you're also handsome today." An Rui then sat in the center, next to him sat his father.

"Everyone, Introductions. This is my only daughter, an rui" said an Zhou in a loud voice, everyone cheered to hear her.

An Rui blushed with embarrassment, after the announcement. The party began, one by one people began to approach the city lord and his daughter.

They all brought gifts that were not cheap, most of the people in this room were upper class. An zhou greeted them one by one, as they were important people in the city.

An Rui, who was not used to such a big party, could only smile unwillingly. There were so many people trying to curry favor, it was awkward for her to respond to their behavior.

Meanwhile, Bai San stared at An Rui from a distance. He and his family's entourage arrived quite late, so they were at the back of the line.

"She's quite pretty dad, she suits me perfectly" Bai San said proudly.

"Delusional" replied the first elder's second son, laughing at Bai San's overconfidence.

"Damn" he muttered, Bai San didn't dare swear loudly, because there was the first elder next to him.

The second son of the first elder was the strongest successor, he had many strong supporters. Of course, it was obtained from his father who had served as chairman.

"Never mind, you have to be patient. Prove it later" his father whispered, while the first elder and his son grinned arrogantly.

They did not threaten the position of the two, so they were not afraid of the fourth or third elders. While the second elder was a different matter, the first elder didn't dare to say much.

Bai lan was in the corner, enjoying the meal. Bai lan hadn't even heard the announcement earlier, he'd suddenly lost his spirits when he got here.

Especially seeing the long line to greet the city lord, it was long and crowded. he was sure it would take a long time, so he preferred to enjoy he meal first.

"Son, let's not eat first!" His father patted him hard, causing Bai lan to feel pain.

Bai lan obeyed, still unaware of an rui. His gaze remained blank, unaware that An Rui was looking for her.

Hours later, it was finally the Bai family who got their queue. "Greetings city lord, the Bai family and I congratulate you on your beautiful daughter," said the first elder.

An zhou recognized the first elder, they owned a sizable business in the western district. "Thank you, please enjoy the party" he said kindly.

Bai San got his share, "Greetings city lord, I've brought a gift for Miss An Rui. Please accept" Bai San smiled widely, while An Rui only smiled a little and accepted his gift half-heartedly.

She was fed up, with having to look friendly for half a day. Especially facing those young men who were flirting with her, they were too tacky.

Bai san was instantly disappointed, he walked off the stage with a frown on his face. he thought she was special, because he had a pretty face.

"Damn it!" The fourth elder cursed, as the response from the city lord and an rui was mediocre.

But they immediately turned their heads, as soon as they remembered there was a third elder with his son. "Greetings city lord, I am the third elder of the Bai family. I wish Miss An Rui good health, and this is my son." Bai Zan introduced Bai lan.

But Bai lan was lost in thought, "Son!" Bai Zan immediately pinched him, he immediately came to his senses and looked at the city lord. "Yours truly, city lord, I'm Bai lan. The future successor of the Bai family" he said with pain.

The city lord just smiled awkwardly, Bai lan then looked at the young woman next to the city lord. An Rui also turned her head, she recognized the voice of the familiar Bai lan.

The two stared at each other, an rui unconsciously stood up and hugged her tightly. Meanwhile, Bai lan smiled and was about to hug an rui.

But he was immediately stopped by An Zhou, "Son, follow me, you too!" An zhou pointed at Bai lan and his father, the soldier immediately led them into the room.

While the entire party was shocked at what had happened, they were all silent and confused. "Hey, who's that guy! Why is he in Lady An Rui's arms!" Everyone was confused.

The fourth elder and his son were even more shocked, "How come!!!" Bai San was wide-eyed, he didn't expect this to happen.

"Damn it, how could this happen!" The fourth elder cursed, then took his son home.

The first elder turned cold, "This is bad, let's go back!" The first elder was sure that the incident must have signaled something about An Rui and Bai Lan's relationship.

In the room, An Rui sat down as soon as he saw his father looking angry. Bai Zan also sat down, he was actually confused by what was happening here.

"Explain to me, what's going on here" his father whispered in an angry tone.

"Dad, she's the woman I dated yesterday" Bai lan replied, instantly Bai Zan was shocked and almost shouted.

"You're not lying!" Bai Zan asked frantically, if this news was true then he was very very lucky.

"I swear, he's the one. You didn't see, he hugged me." Bai lan said, Bai Zan thought it was true, if an rui didn't know Bai Zan how could he suddenly hug a stranger.

"Okay calm down, let me take care of it this time" Bai Zan looked at an Zhou, he looked very angry to see his son hugging a stranger.

"Explain to me, what kind of relationship you have!" An Zhou spoke quietly, but everyone knew he was furious.

"Let me explain dad, he's the guy I dated yesterday. I love him!" An Rui said, hearing that An Zhou hit the table.

"Don't joke, you love someone you just met!" His father shouted angrily, and An Rui was afraid of his father.

"We're new acquaintances, but I swear to you. I really love her." Bai lan suddenly spoke up, not wanting to see an rui yelled at like that.

An Rui smiled as Bai lan defended her. An Zhou didn't expect that the man was from a wealthy and respected family. he thought the man her daughter was dating was just a poor person with no background.

"That's right, city lord, these two love each other. We have no right to separate two people who fall in love." Bai Zan helped his son to establish a relationship with an rui, he couldn't miss this opportunity.

An Zhou massaged his head, he was really dizzy thinking about this. "Father, please bless us" An Rui approached him and begged him to bless her relationship.

An Zhou did not respond, he was still thinking. What decision should he make, the problem is that if his daughter is seen hugging Bai lan first, his reputation will fall. If other people found out, her daughter was hugging another young man without any relationship.

Bai lan, seeing An Zhou's hesitation, immediately ran to the center of the room, "Mr. An Zhou, please bless our relationship. I'm willing to do anything, please." Bai lan knelt down, to show his seriousness.

An Rui was touched by Bai lan's seriousness, so she immediately ran over to Bai lan. "You..." An Rui took An Zhou's sword and approached Bai lan.

"If Father doesn't approve of the two of us, I'll kill myself!" An Rui pointed the sword at his chest.

"An Rui! Don't do that! Calm down, let me think about it first!" her father said frantically, he didn't expect his daughter to take such an extreme action.

"Right An Rui, don't be like that. I don't want you to die" Bai lan whispered nearby, an rui told him to be quiet.

"Sir, it's better to bless these two immediately. I'm sure Lady An Rui is serious!" Bai Zan incited an zhou to approve their relationship immediately.

"Father!" An Rui brought her sword closer, An Zhou immediately shouted. "Okay stop, I agree!!!" He shouted forcefully.

"Remember, you have to get engaged first. Then get married when you're ready!" An Zhou warned him.

"Hooray!!!" The two embraced, Bai lan and an rui smiled sweetly at each other. Finally their story ended well, what an amazing coincidence.