Inside the auction, all the guests are waiting for the event to start. They look forward to this auction, usually held once every 3 months depending on the items the auction has, it can be once a month.

When a beautiful woman took the stage, all the guests whistled. The woman was smiling sweetly, with an outfit that was quite revealing on the thighs.

"Welcome everyone, I will be presenting tonight's program. At this auction, we have many new items and some of them are very rare. It would be a pity if you left early" joked the hostess casually, everyone laughed at that.

"Finally, why did it take so long to start the program?" Bai lan complained when he had only been waiting for a dozen minutes.

Zhang Kai was transfixed by the auction, looking at everyone. There were many people covering their faces, 'covering one's identity is always the best choice' he thought.

In his past life, Zhang Kai had always concealed his identity so as not to be recognized by anyone. Even so, there were many superhumans who were still able to find him easily.

"First item, A large jade stone that we got from a miner. It is suitable for making anything, the starting price is 10 silver and the minimum increase is 10 bronze" after the woman said, the whole room became crowded as everyone increased their prices.

"Such jade can be found easily, why do they bother fighting over it" Bai lan muttered, Zhang Kai only smiled awkwardly at that.

To Bai lan, jade was not that valuable. Since there were a lot of jade trinkets in his house, he arrogant nature still lingered even though it was less visible.

After the first item came out, the others became more expensive and more expensive. Bai lan became interested, "This time it's a vase painted by a young cultivator who died in battle. It's worth 5 gold coins in 1 silver increments!" Bai lan immediately bid.

"7 gold coins!" Bai lan immediately went up by 2 gold coins, making many people below instantly fall silent. The people below raised their bids slowly, only the VIP raised the price crazily.

"7 gold coins!!! VIP's bid. There are others!" The woman looked around, but no one bid anymore, and finally sold the vase to Bai lan.

"Okay, this is just the beginning, I'll buy every beautiful thing for my future wife!" Bai lan grinned.

Then, a small box came out from behind the curtain carried by a servant. The enthusiasm of all the guests instantly disappeared, Zhang Kai was confused.

"This item again, why hasn't it been sold yet. Strange" Bai lan said

Zhang Kai looked at it with focus, "This time it's a long-stored item, we'll sell it cheaply this time. Only one silver, black iron ring!" The box opened.

Instantly Zhang Kai stood up, "young master, please buy me that ring. This is my request" he said pleadingly.

Bai lan looked over, "You really want that ring, are you sure!" Bai lan asked with certainty, because the item had been auctioned off for several years but no one wanted it.

"I'm sure sir, please" Zhang Kai bowed anxiously, Bai lan then nodded.

"Alright, 10 silver!" Bai lan then bid, Zhang Kai immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sold!!!" The host immediately agreed, without asking the other guests. This auctioneer looked so frustrated with this ring.

"Okay, you've used your request," Bai lan said.

"I thank you." Zhang Kai smiled, he couldn't be wrong. The ring was very familiar to him, it shouldn't have been brought here.

These rings sealed his powers while on earth, they had been there since he was a baby. There used to be 10 of them, the ring was a curse to him.

Because of that ring, he had to endure all the suffering while on earth. This ring makes he reminisce about his past, every ring that comes off will open one of he seals.

Once the seal is opened, his power will increase many times if another ring is opened. Zhang Kai was only able to open 7 rings on earth, as the side effects were too much for him.

If the rings were really his, he would have to check them himself. He hoped that the ring would give him the same power as on earth.

Zhang became impatient, the auction item would be given to the bidder after paying. But for VIPs it was different, they could pay in his room with the item.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door of the room. "Let them in, then give them the money" Bai lan gave him some gold coins, to make the payment.

As Zhang Kai let them in, there were two female servants carrying the goods. "Sir, please have a look at the goods. If you are satisfied, we will transfer it to your horse carriage" the maids said.

"Here is the money, just bring this vase later. I'll take this box" Zhang Kai gave the money, and then took the box in a hurry.

"Thank you sir, we will move it" The servant closed the door and left.

Zhang Kai's hands shaking, he opened the box slowly. As soon as it opened, Zhang Kai's legs shook violently and was about to fall. But he held it back, he covered his mouth so as not to scream.

There was a black matte colored ring, there were intricate carvings around the ring that were very, very small. It was this ring that brought disaster to him when he was on earth, but now it brought happiness to him.

This ring reminded him of his wife, as well as his past. Although his past was terrible, it was an experience that changed him to this day.

I don't know how this ring got here, but Zhang Kai was so grateful to see this ring. He could remember all the things he had been through, though he didn't expect it to give him strength.

He thought that way, because this ring was just a seal of his power. Not a power giver, Zhang Kai thought.

Zhang Kai kept the ring, he didn't want to wear it yet. Perhaps because it carried too many memories for him, he was not ready to wear it again.

"Thank you sir" Zhang Kai thanked back, as he was truly grateful to get this ring back.

"Well" Bai lan didn't really care, Zhang Kai just smiled at he. If Bai lan knew what this ring was called, he would definitely be surprised.

This ring has many names, such as the ring of doomsday, the ring of assassins and many more. But Zhang Kai called it, the ring of darkness of the sky. Because this ring was as mysterious as the sky, it also brought darkness or bad things to him.

Zhang Kai heaved a sigh of relief, after which he refocused on the auction. But Zhang Kai didn't really care about the auction, he just stroked his pocket.

When the auction began to end, the VIP Guests began to clamor with their bids. Each one of them bid crazy prices, even Bai lan himself.

Finally, the last item came out, but it was nothing more than another luxury item made by cultivators. Even though it wasn't a very important item, Bai lan was content to buy a lot of things.

"An Rui must be happy, getting so many gifts" Bai lan said with a big smile, Zhang Kai also smiled widely.

Outside, there were horse-drawn carriages that were busy being parked. Zhang Kai looked at their horse-drawn carriage and smiled wryly; there were dozens of items in the back of the horse-drawn carriage.

"Am I being a bit excessive, but it doesn't matter" Bai lan talked to himself, then he immediately went in and waited to get out of this auction.

"I can finally relax." Bai lan murmured, lying down. Meanwhile, Zhang Kai stared out the window, looking up at the sky.

They waited for a long time, but the other horses didn't run either. Until Zhang Kai sensed something was wrong, he saw from a distance that there were soldiers checking each horse carriage.

"This is the Bai family's horse carriage!" Someone shouted from outside, Zhang Kai became a little tense. Bai lan also got up from his sleep, he frowned.

"What's going on?" Bai lan was confused, there was someone knocking on the door of his horse carriage.

"They're soldiers of the An family, sir." Zhang Kai said, looking at the soldiers' uniforms.

"What's going on?" Bai lan asked.

"Sir, Princess An Rui has been kidnapped by someone!" The soldier who approached them said, and Bai lan was shocked to hear it.

"What!!!" He left immediately, while Zhang Kai frowned. He thought this was planned, there was no way An Rui would suddenly be kidnapped just like that especially at this time.