She Has Always Been My Wife

Chu Liyuan had thought that this would be the beginning of his and Jian Dan's happiness in the future but he got a rude shock when a large swarm of reporters greeted them the moment they walked out of the hospital…

They were holding cameras and microphones.

At the sight of them coming out, the throng of reporters immediately engulfed them with reckless abandon…

"Hello, Mr. Chu. Tell me, who is this lady beside you?"

"As far as we know, you're a married man. But here you are, holding hands with another woman now. Is your marriage on the rocks?"

"Miss, do you know that Mr. Chu is already married?"

"Miss, what's your motive for being a homewrecker? Is it because of Mr. Chu's social standing?"

"You don't look very old. Why do you want to be the other woman?"

They were inundated with the barrage of questions from the reporters.

Moreover, they kept closing in on them agitatedly…