This Day Is Finally Here!

With Jian Dan's help, Chu Zhiyuan could finally be at ease.

When Jian Dan went downstairs, she realized that Xiaokai had come with Chu Zhiyuan, as did Mo Qingqin and Xiaoxin as well.

The reason that Xiaoxin did not rush upstairs immediately was, of course, because there was a bigger draw downstairs.

In order to show everyone his culinary skills, the new chef had whipped up a sumptuous spread.

Jian Dan was truly impressed to see that he had whipped up such a sumptuous spread in such a short period of time.

The little foodie, Xiaoxin, was already eating her way through the array of delicacies.

Because it was not mealtime yet, she did not need to care about table manners.

The corners of Jian Dan's mouth twitched as she watched Xiaoxin wolf down the sumptuous spread.

Chu Liyuan looked at Xiaoxin—whose mouth was filled to the brim with food—and walked over with a smile. He picked up a tissue and wiped his precious daughter's mouth.