Opening Ceremony

"Xiaoyang, you're here?" Mo Mo rushed over the moment she saw Xiaoyang…

The corners of Xiaoyang's mouth twitched when he saw Mo Mo and smiled. Then, he walked past her and walked straight over to Jian Dan. "Little Jian Dan, I'm sorry for being late. Something came up at the last minute."

"Don't worry about it. I understand the nature of your job."

"What's his job?" Mo Mo asked as she suddenly poked her head over.

Because Xiaoyang's job needed to be kept a secret, so… "Hehe, since everyone is here, let's begin." Jian Dan changed the topic.

On the other hand, Xiaoyang was at a loss as to how to respond to Mo Mo's forwardness, so he could only hide.

Jian Dan was also very surprised that an artist like Mo Mo would express herself so passionately when facing the person she liked.

It's precisely because Mo Mo is too enthusiastic and forward that Xiaoyang doesn't know how to respond for a moment.