Song Ting

Song Fan looked at him without saying anything. She had nothing to say to anyone from the Song family. After all, they had all believed Song Yin back then.

Seeing that she was silent, Song Ting frowned. "I'm asking you a question."

Song Fan looked at him coldly and said, "You've already seen it. I have nothing to say."

Song Ting's heart was filled with anger. He thought that Song Fan would change after returning from the countryside, but he did not expect her to love still fighting as much as when she was young.

At this moment, Song Yin ran over and said, "Brother, Sister didn't do it on purpose. She was just angry and couldn't control herself."

Song Yin spared no effort in smearing Song Fan. She always convinced people that Song Fan was in the wrong with just a few words.

Song Ting's expression darkened. He turned around and said, "Go home!"