Unknown Child

Song Fan believed that this response would leave Director Zhang thoroughly perplexed. 

Furthermore, he would likely rush to inform Gu Hai, disrupting all of his schemes. However, Song Fan felt no guilt about this.

After all, the Gu Corporation had no connection to her. She couldn't care less whether it descended into further chaos because of her words. As long as they refrained from bothering her in the immediate future, she was content.

Director Zhang, after finally managing to regain his composure, inquired, "What is this good thing you mentioned, Miss Song?"

"It is of course the future of the Gu Corporation," Song Fan replied, feigning a glance at her stomach.

She smiled as she left, leaving Director Zhang utterly confounded. He stood there, bewildered, and even began to clutch his chest as though he might faint. A passing nurse came to his aid, helping him back to his ward and summoning the doctor.