Racing Arena

Unlike Qi Shuo's frustration, the others were listening with great excitement, as if this were a significant piece of news.

Qi Shuo, who had been venting his frustration for a while, rolled his eyes upon seeing their expressions. "Did you guys even hear me? Gu Chen just left me there."

Xia Rui smiled and commented, "You're back now. Gu Chen must have wanted to take care of Miss Song first."

Xu Yuan nodded in agreement, saying, "It's been quite some time since Gu Chen took an interest in a girl. It's not a big deal for you to suffer a little."

Xiao Lei burst into laughter. "If it were me, I'd probably do the same."

Qi Shuo was so exasperated that he contemplated silencing his friends.

"However, this Miss Song is quite remarkable. She's not even twenty yet, but she can handle such a matter so confidently," Xia Rui admired.