Lawyer Appears

Inside the police station, Song Yin kept her head lowered. Regardless of the questions posed to her, she refused to respond. This left the police somewhat frustrated because, without her cooperation, they couldn't proceed with their inquiries.

"We've already traced the rumor-spreading post to your computer, posted from your alternate account," the policeman interrogated sternly.

In reality, Song Yin was deeply frightened, but she recalled her mother's instructions not to speak under any circumstances. She simply shook her head vigorously.

The police found themselves in a dilemma dealing with this situation. After all, the person in question was merely a high school student who remained entirely silent.

At that moment, someone entered and announced, "Song Yin's brother has arrived with his lawyer."

The police went out to meet Song Ting and allowed the lawyer to enter and speak with Song Yin.