Dealing with the Corpse

Song Yin was uncertain about Song Fan's motives as she observed her searching through the mercenaries' belongings. In an attempt to interject, she said, "Sister, these people are drenched in blood. We should leave quickly."

Song Fan, feigning deafness to Song Yin's plea, continued her meticulous search. The more Song Yin observed, the more apprehensive she grew. She turned towards Song Ting and Song Kai, her eyes welling with tears.

The two brothers promptly rushed to Song Yin's side, pulling her away from the disconcerting scene. Song Kai took out a tissue to wipe away Song Yin's tears and tried to console her, saying, "If you're frightened, don't look anymore. I'll escort you home."

Song Ting concurred, asserting, "I'll manage the situation here. You two can head home."