Where's the Evidence?

Song Yin's words silenced the entire room. Some of the chess players were bewildered and had no idea what had transpired, leaving them puzzled about why an apology was in order.

A few individuals from affluent backgrounds recalled a scandal involving the Song Family's eldest daughter allegedly poisoning her brother.

In that tense moment, Wang Lu stood up and interjected, saying, "Why should we even be discussing an apology? This is the Fu Family's banquet, and you should maintain decorum."

Wang Lu's intervention made perfect sense since the banquet was hosted by the Fu Family, and Song Yin's comments were entirely out of place.

Upon stepping forward, Song Ting addressed her, "Song Yin, let's discuss this at home. No need to embarrass yourself here."

For Song Yin, hearing him use such words was unprecedented. She widened her eyes in disbelief, unable to fathom that Song Ting would utter those words.