The Song Family

"Isn't it beautiful?" Song Kai also noticed her disdain and looked at the red dress in his hand, "This doesn't make sense. The salesperson told me this was the most expensive of the new designs. How can it not be beautiful?"

Song Fan looked at him speechlessly, "I never knew who bought those ugly clothes from luxury brands before, but now I do."

"To whom are they sold?" Song Kai asked naively.

"I'm going to change clothes. Good luck to you." Song Fan took the dress sent by Gu Chen and went directly back to her room, leaving Song Kai helplessly staring at the dress in his hand. He had bought this brand's full-logo tie and shirt to match with Song Fan!

This time, many people were invited by the Gu family, and several directors from the capital branch were present. It seemed that Gu Chen wanted to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and of course, Gu Hai and Gu Zhuo also came to the scene.