Song Yin Is Dead

Originally intending to say a few harsh words, Mrs. Xu suddenly became alarmed upon hearing the police's words. She ignored what Gu Chen was saying and quickly ran over, grabbing the female officer's arm, "I'm Xu Wen's mother. What happened to her?"

The female officer looked somewhat uncomfortable, but eventually said, "Suspect Xu Wen escaped in a van. The van was speeding through an intersection and collided with a large truck..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Mrs. Xu almost fainted, but someone nearby caught her.

"W-what did you just say?" Mrs. Xu struggled to stand up, her voice full of panic.

The female officer hesitated but said, "Are you Xu Wen's mother? You better go to the hospital now; her condition is not optimistic."

Mrs. Xu rushed out almost stumbling, not caring about anything else, only concerned about her daughter's well-being.

Gu Chen and Song Fan exchanged glances, both revealing a mixture of shock and helplessness.