Two Conditions

However, Charlie didn't get up. His tone was calm as if he was certain that Song Fan would cooperate with him. "Gu Chen's poison has been temporarily suppressed. It seems like he's fine, but the poison has infiltrated his internal organs. When the time comes, even God won't be able to save him."

True to his words, Song Fan didn't leave the private room upon hearing him. She turned to stare at Charlie, surprised at how well he understood this kind of poison.

These were the problems she had discovered only through repeated treatments for Gu Chen. The poison seemed dormant under the suppression of her medications and acupuncture, but it was lurking in his body. This was the most worrying aspect for Song Fan.

Charlie poured a glass of wine into her cup and gestured as if inviting her to listen. "Are you sure you don't want to hear me out?"