He Can't Die

Watching Song Fan's departing figure, Jason felt a bit disappointed.

He looked longingly at the door of the hospital room, still feeling a bit down. If only she had stayed to chat for a bit.

"She's gone, and you're still staring?" Charlie smirked at him. "Dear Second Brother, you're finally awake. You have no idea how worried I've been. If you didn't wake up soon, I would have been worried to death."

"Worried that the formula isn't complete and you can't develop a new drug?" Jason snorted coldly. "Without me, you're nothing."

Hearing this, Charlie's face twisted with anger. "You knew this would happen from the start, didn't you? Was it deliberate? Did you and Song Fan set me up on purpose?"

Jason, though weak, forced himself to sit up. He didn't want to appear defeated.