Borrow Some Medicine

Song Fan found Cao Lei's body, trampled by several people, with muddy footprints all over his colorful jacket.

She gently brushed off the dirt, her gaze complex as she looked at his body. She knew she couldn't break down now. She had experienced many life-and-death moments on the battlefield, and while Cao Lei wasn't really her comrade, she still felt a pang of sorrow.

Looking at his slightly mischievous face, she could almost hear him saying, "I can still take a bullet for you," words that had turned into a bitter reality.

She knelt down and took off Cao Lei's exaggerated earrings, putting them on herself. She thought that when she got out, she could give them to his family as a keepsake.

"Boss," Sun Yu's voice called, and Song Fan stood up.

Seeing Cao Lei on the ground, Sun Yu's eyes reddened. She quickly looked away and reported, "We lost ten people, and only five are uninjured. The rest are all hit."