Won’t See Her Again

But who could this person be? For a moment, Shen Qingyue thought of many people. It seemed like she had managed to earn some hatred? However, regardless of the situation, she decided to stay put. After all, there was no one around, and if she tried to escape, she would be easily caught.

Shen Qingyue followed the pulling of those few people and got into the car. As she left, she glanced at Yu Zhuang lying on the ground. Some passing cars should be able to take him to the hospital, so she did not need to worry about him. She was well aware that these people would not take her somewhere good. When they eventually reached a populated area, she did not care where it was. Shen Qingyue started shouting, "I have a stomachache and need to go to the restroom..."

"Don't cause trouble!" one of the people beside her said with a lecherous look. "If you really want to go, why not come into big brother's embrace, and I'll help you out..."