If Something Happens to the Old Man, Don’t Blame Us

Shen Jun gazed at the ceiling, feeling helpless. "My heart is failing, but my mind remains clear. I know Shen Da and the others are up to something within the corporation. I'm not oblivious to that, but they are still family, connected by blood. It's just a matter of losing some money; who hasn't made mistakes? It's almost time to let it go, and I don't want to pursue it further. When you mentioned their impure intentions, I thought of giving them another chance... but they have truly betrayed my trust. This time, their actions have gone too far. Do whatever you think is necessary. Just remember one thing: take care of yourself."

Shen Qingyue held Shen Jun's hand, saying, "Grandpa, rest assured. This time, I will seek justice on your behalf."

Looking at her, Shen Jun replied, "I know, a lot has happened during this time, and it has been tough on you. If anything happens to Shen Da this time, the fate of the corporation will rest on your shoulders."