Secretly Taking Photos

Shen Qingyue approached Chi Ming's side. "What's on her phone?"

Seeing that Zhang Qianqian wasn't cooperating, Chi Ming stated plainly, "She just took a photo of the underside of your skirt with her phone."

Zhang Qianqian reacted as if her tail had been stepped on, her voice sharp. "You're spouting nonsense! I'm a woman too, why would I take pictures of another woman for no reason?"

Chi Ming did not argue with her. He just watched her silently, his gaze intimidating.

Shen Qingyue intervened directly. "Chi Ming wouldn't falsely accuse you. Show us your phone."

Zhang Qianqian took a step back. "My phone is a private item. Why should I show it to you? Do you think bullying me earlier wasn't enough? Now you want to embarrass me further? Shen Qingyue, being a person isn't like this. Money doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want. I've already apologized to you. Are you going to keep holding onto this? Seriously?"