Qin Zhen’s Car Accident

Wei Caihong thought for a moment, "Didn't you say before that Qin Zhen treated you differently because you saved him? But this matter happened too long ago. Men are fickle; he probably forgot. If that's the case, then make him remember again."

"What do you mean?" Wei Jiu'er asked, puzzled.

Wei Caihong rolled her eyes, "How did I end up with such a foolish daughter? You engineer an accident, then save him again! Use this favor to make him recall the past, soften his heart. What's there to fear about marriage then?"

Hesitating a bit at the suggestion, Wei Jiu'er finally said, "I lied to him before, and he was really angry when he found out. If..."

"Stupid girl, can't you cover your tracks properly?" Wei Caihong grabbed her hand, speaking with emphasis, "If this works out, you'll be the lady of the Qin family. That's not something the Zhao family, a small household, can compare to."