She Could Be Thinking About Something Else

This was how Shen Qingyue felt about Qin Zhen. At that moment, he realized that Shen Qingyue genuinely liked Qin Zhen. So even though he could not stand Qin Zhen and wanted to harm him, he chose to coexist peacefully with him.

Because he understood very well the place Qin Zhen held in Shen Qingyue's heart, and he did not want his sister to suffer, so he naturally took a step back. When Qin Zhen had his car accident this time, he immediately thought of Shen Qingyue. In fact, he was quite afraid of seeing Shen Qingyue worrying again. Unexpectedly, Shen Qingyue seemed completely unconcerned about Qin Zhen's situation, even showing a somewhat indifferent attitude.