Don't You Remember?

Without any interference from outsiders, Shen Qingyue lifted her leg and headed upstairs. She asked the butler, "My room has been unoccupied since Grandfather was hospitalized. How did it suddenly start leaking?"

"Miss Qingxue sneaked into your room this afternoon when we weren't paying attention, and we don't know exactly what she did. By the time we discovered it, the water had already leaked outside..." the butler replied, clearly troubled. Without the Old Master's intervention, there was little he could say to Shen Qingxue's family. After all, the Old Master placed great importance on family. Miss Qingyue had always followed Qin Zhen wholeheartedly, and the house had been quiet and empty. Regardless of what Shen Qingxue's family had in mind, the Old Master was surrounded by these people...