
As soon as we finished eating I was taken back to my room I got restlessness I got up and changed into a more comfortable dress because they were the only things available.

As soon as I changed I got in bed and prayed for the best.

I don't know when I slept but the next thing I had were gun shots. At first I thought I was dreaming until I had something hit my bed. " Holy shit." I this was an ambush. I got off my bed and as soon I heard another gunshot I got down. It's bearly six in the morning well this is Italy for you. wen it went silent I started to push the bed towards the door.

I knew if it was Sebastian they might came for me so I had to stay in that room

So I did it with all my might and everytime I had a gunshot I would lie down untill I managed to fully push the bed towards the door.

I got up and rushed to the bathroom panting I knocked of one of the towel racks locked the room. I held the pipe against my chest and sat down.

All I could hear were shouts followed by gunshots. I thought that I would freeze but I guess when you're are in danger you body kicks in survival mode

Soon I could no longer hear the gunshots. Did it stop.

As soon I thought everything was fine I heard a large bang on the door and that's when I knew danger was near.

I started reciting the lord's prayer hoping that however is at the other side is someone to save me.

The bangs continued untill he was able to bugde in. I held my pipe ready to strick. I herd the foot steps getting closer and I closed my eyes ready for a strick.

As the footsteps neared and I held my head low. Then I heard the door open as soon as that happened I swung the piped then I heard a loud thud.

I opened my eyes to strick and I was surprised to whom I stuck.