Chapter 14

[Slime is undergoing evolution chose the following path]

[war slime]: This slime can transform into anything and has strong battel instinct due continuously fighting on the battel field skill: [sixth sense]

[demon slime]: This slime has undergone a mutation due to influence of demonic energy skill :[Absorbtion]

[devouring slime]: this slime can devour anything skill: [devour]

[unknow slime]: there was no such kind of slime existed before due to [Zygos book of evolution] and book of trinity this new path of evolution came into existence skill: [unknow]

[caterpillar is undergoing evolution chose the following path]

[undine butterfly]: caterpillar evolve through love of the water spirit skill: [water manipulation]

[lesser fairy]: caterpillar with a desire to fly, one day grazed by the fairy dust during her evolution skill : [fairy dust] (skill used by fairy and has many effects like [sleep] & [heal])

[divine caterpillar]: This caterpillar has eaten divine fruit which has increased its strength skill: none; but this caterpillar has wide range of evolution

[spider is undergoing evolution]

[there are more than 1000 evolution path exist calculating 20 prefect evolution path with high success rate]

Path 1: Shadow Weaver

Path 2: Celestial Arachnid

Path 3: Mechaweb

Path 4: Dragonweaver

Path 5: Divine Arbiter

Path 6: Soulthreader

Path 7: Phantomblade

Path 8: Stormspinner

Path 9: Timeless Arachnid

Path 10: Celestial Sentinel

Path 11: Necrospinster

Path 12: Frostweb

Path 13: Bardweaver

Path 14: Spiritbound

Path 15: Runebound

Path 16: Gilded Weaver

Path 17: Phantomflame

Path 18: Steelweaver

Path 19: Nature's Guardian

Path 20: Astralweaver

there are many paths, but these 20 paths had the highest success rate of all so i decided master all 20 paths but that can't be done inside the tower with the trial being in progress i will do this after i finish the trial hence i only evolved slime and caterpillar

[you have chosen unknow slime and divine caterpillar as evolution]

[evolution in progress]

[slime]--->[creation slime]

[creation slime]: this slime is one of the kind which never existed before a slime that can create anything as long as there are enough materials available skill: [create]

[caterpillar]--->[divine caterpillar]

[divine caterpillar]: a mythical being which is know to use make thread which is use weave to cloths of god.

the second trial is starting in 3 minute

i decided to rest and focus on gathering my thought.

[second trial started]

[Exploration of 9 circle of hell and 7 boundaries of heaven]

[to pass this trial you need to complete 9 hell quest and 7 heaven quest]

[quest trigging condition unknow]

[being transported first circle of hell in 3.....2.....1....]