31. Spying

Kai and James arrived at the place of the coronation ceremony. The ceremony was held at the sect master's peak, and it was full of people. There are a lot of girls waiting to see the Holy Son; some of them are even willing to become maids of the Holy Son.

'It seems something never changes, even in other worlds,' thought Kai. A lot of people are trying to climb the ladder by using the people from above, but they don't know that they will only be used as loyal dogs or slaves.

After waiting for some time, the Grand Elder arrived at the venue. Seeing him, all the noise dropped, and all of them kept quiet for him to talk.

"Since the sect master is in seclusion, I am the host of the ceremony." The grand elder said without any introduction about himself. The Grand Elder's name was Yang Liwei, and with his status, he did not need to introduce himself. 

After a few moments since the arrival of the Grand Elder, the Holy Son also arrived at the location.