123. Clearance

In front of Kai was horde of beast, no it should be appropriate to call it a army of beast. The numbers were higher than he berserk beast he saw when he first came to the world.

'This situation doesn't seem to be natural? Is this fragment ability?'

Just based on estimate amount, Kai can conclude there are more than 10,000 beast were beast and all of them are have their same bloodthirsty eyes.

The weird situation was that they didn't fight and kill each other like he saw them before. They seem to be soldiers waiting for the order of commander.

Kai surveyed the vast army of beasts before him, a sea of snarling maws and bloodthirsty eyes. The sheer number was staggering, surpassing any horde he had encountered since his arrival in this world. They stood eerily still, a disciplined legion awaiting the silent command of an unseen leader.