Chapter Nine - What can I do now?

Eli was completely and utterly entranced by Phil, looking straight at him and not taking her eyes off him. To her, it looked like she had been staring at him for hours, but in truth, it was only seconds. That's why she didn't realize what he had blurted out.

- "Coulson baby, you're still alive" - When she noticed what she said she wanted the earth to swallow her up, but she was thankful that she had spoken in Spanish. She had learned by now, she used to screw up and everything was always awkward afterward. Although, to tell the truth, she often just blurted it out in any language.

- "Coulson?" - Shit, names don't change, Eli - "How do you know that...?"

- "Hurry agent" - But what do my eyes see, the beautiful Maria Hill - "Hello?"

- "I... it was nice to meet your agent, I mean" - Why don't I think before I speak? - "No, this... Fury must" - I shut up again - "Goodbye"

"Get out of there soldier," Hurry up, Eli run. With all my strength and with Benjamin in my hand, I ran like there was no tomorrow. But I was 6 years old... my footsteps were about 1/3 the size of adults. I looked back for a second, it looked like the agents were processing what they heard... Maybe they didn't notice?

While my gaze was still on them, I stopped for a second, I saw their lips moving, it was clear what they had said "Fury". They saw me and went after me. How do you escape from one of Shield's best agents? Answer. You can't.

I did the only thing that would do me any good at the moment, I ducked into an alleyway and the portal appeared, no doubt I crossed it. All I could hear was "She got in here" and nothing else. I had already closed it before they entered the alley, so it was obvious that they hadn't seen it, but if I met them again I wouldn't have the same luck.

3 days until the end of school. I thought as I entered through the door of the school, I saw the two teachers who had helped me not to be "bored", I thanked them a lot, classes for children of my age are boring. I looked at them in detail, they seemed a bit messy, which was strange, they always seemed to have everything in its place.

They suddenly looked at each other as if they were trying to do it 'slyly'. I approached them and saw their lips. I started laughing internally, I knew perfectly well that this was going to happen. I stood in front of them, and they gave me some 'big news' I was going to answer some tests today, special ones. What did that mean? No idea, I just did them. These were a bit more difficult, but nothing out of this world. Although I knew it was out of this world.

I answered the first ones well, they checked them instantly, why were they in such a hurry? Who knows. They passed me others, the first ones seemed "normal" as a measure of intelligence, I guessed. But the last ones were strange, it was what I had learned recently, Gamma Rays, the experiments, technology, asking things that might happen to Tony or Banner for them to answer when they are bored.

I just answered them, I couldn't do much. The last one I liked, it seemed like a test to get a degree in medicine, if you didn't have to do an internship. It was like "everything we taught you in medical school, but without the practical" I was happy to answer it and passed it on.

But something different happened, they didn't check them. They told me I could leave, and so I did, if they had checked the others right away, why not the last ones? I went out and looked in the direction where I had done the tests. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but the cat died knowing. And I wasn't going to miss the gossip.

A man dressed all in black with a briefcase passed by. Strange, isn't it? He looked like a "man in black" but it wasn't Will Smith. After a few moments, he came out again and left, "just as he came he went".

I didn't think anymore and went to my place, I didn't know what to do. So for the first time, I plugged my memory stick into my mobile phone and looked at all the files it contained. I scrolled through several folders until I stopped on a "Marvel" folder. Inside it was the comics, the movies, the animated series, there was everything, even the big folder full of memes. The folder that no one could be without. I thanked my past self for making a folder called "Marvel Encyclopedia" In it there were three files that I had made. "MCU" "X- Men" "Comics"

What was inside these files? Easy, information about every character in those worlds, date of birth, family members, events they appeared in, technically it was a collection of things they had said at conventions, in press releases, everything. It was like the Wikipedia of the Avengers.

I thought about who would be the first one I would read information about, of course, I knew things as a fan, but I didn't know everything. My memory didn't remember everything. Maybe because of the events I had to go through, or maybe because of my age, or just because some dates didn't interest me. In the MCU, there wasn't much information about this year.

2005 was only based on when Banner became the Hulk, and she didn't even know the right date or the place. Why? Because she preferred Mark as Banner to the other actors, but it's a matter of taste, isn't it? The 'characters' here will be the first or the last. The twins had been the same as shown in WandaVision and Ancestral and the other wizards were the same as in the films, Wong was the same, and Daniel was the same. Coulson and Hill were the same.

But they never had a change of actor, Rhodes, which one will it be? Hulk Mark? And Spider-Man. I was hoping they would be the last ones because they were the ones I was more used to.

I didn't know who to start with, so I was just looking at what was going to happen until the next few years. 2006 was based on pure Hulk sightings, after all, she wanted to catch Banner no matter what. A couple of SHIELD missions, at least that she knew of, she didn't think they'd get away with anything. The only thing she found amusing was May getting engaged to Andrew.

2007 was even more boring, the times they had seen Banner, and SHIELD making a "deal" with Ross to capture him, a deal that would only last until 2010. Something to do with Wakanda and Melinda's marriage.

2008 was more interesting. Fury finds Banner, and the Inhumans make a "small" appearance, which leads to the "Rescue in Bahrain" and the nickname for May "the Cavalry", Grant Ward's traitor starts serving in the South Ossetia War and Happy buys Tony a ring for when the "right one" comes along.

2009 was the beginning of the good stuff, Ironman Eli read everything and saw the dates. But after a while of analyzing everything, she felt that her head was getting lost. The events were either from 2009 or 2008. Ironman was released in 2008, she was sure. The story was from that year or the next. She didn't read any further, her head started to hurt as she was confused.

- "I guess I'll know in a few years," - She whispered, and decided to sleep on the desk until it was time to leave.

As often happens when they wake you up, and you say "Five more minutes", Eli overslept. She thought about going straight to the sanctuary and dropping off the biscuits, but if she did that they probably wouldn't trust her with them again and her "curfew" would start well before 8 o'clock.

She ran as fast as she could, grabbed the biscuit cart, and went straight there, didn't sell anything on the way, and then thought about what to do. She knocked on the door, she was tired from all the running she had done, until she thought of something, why the fuck didn't she make a portal? She was stupid, she was hopeless.

She entered with difficulty, pulling the cart and mentally hitting herself. When she managed to get inside, she took her rabbit carefully and spoke to it.

- "Why didn't you tell me? I thought you were my best friend, Benjamin, I believed in you, and this is how you repay me."

- "You have a strange taste for talking to things that won't talk back to you" - Kaecilius, what are you doing here? You've got no one to bother, messing with a six-year-old girl, I can't believe it!

- "Yeah" - I just replied, curtly I guessed.

- "They're waiting for you" - Who? Leeteuk from Super Junior?

- "Okay" - Of course, I wasn't expecting a celebrity, 2005 was the debut of that group, do they exist here?

- "Ancestral is upstairs"

'I go, I run. I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming' She began to think of the lessons she had had as a child in her other life. The music teacher taught her about "Negras y corcheas".

She walked absently until she realized that she was nowhere near Ancestral. But like a good sorceress, she found her. Or so she assumed when she saw her in front of her.

- "Hello"

- "Good afternoon, very late" - She raised an eyebrow, someone noticed the time.

- "A princess is never late, always on time" - Why did I say that? Because that's how I get out of trouble, with jokes or phrases so they wouldn't notice.

- "Alright, Princess Eli, please walk with me" - I feel like you're making fun of me, but I started it, I have to suck it up, don't I? - "I'll tell you about the favor you owe me" - uh, the conversation got good - "You must leave the sanctuary."

- "What!!!" - I didn't see that one coming - "Why?"

- "I'll explain" - She stopped for a moment - "do you want tea?"

- "Okay" - I didn't know how we got here, but I remembered the scene of Thor drinking beer, it might be the same. I sat down and she gave me the tea.

- "I know your purpose is to 'Help' everyone, however, I can't allow you to stay here" - I tried to argue, but I couldn't - "I think that by allowing you to stay here, to come here every day. It will change what must happen to us."

- "Oh"

- "You can't change the story we're going to have, you mustn't" - That makes a lot of sense.

- "Sure, I understand." - I sigh

- "And for this very reason, I must ask you, in addition to leaving, not to try to interfere in what might happen to us, nor in the paths that each of us will take." - Goodbye idea of saving Daniel and Ancestral from death.

- "Well, I guess I'll have to find another Ninja way to go."

- "I think you might find another way to help."

- "I could" - My light bulb went on - "You know where there are SHIELD agents?"

- "Yeah, but I don't think you want to just show up" - She looked at me - "Or sell biscuits like here, do you?"

- "No" - A thought of Fury buying biscuits from a little girl came to me, but I shook it off - "It's a great point."

- "You bumped into two yesterday, you'll find a way to get them to approach you. Maybe you have something that interests them."

- "Something they're interested in" - I repeated - "I guess there's nothing more I can do here? I'm going to go and sell the biscuits, can I come and say goodbye tomorrow?"

- "Yes, about the biscuits" - She started laughing - "I think you've already sold them."

I didn't understand what she said and just left, I walked to the entrance and saw where I had left my biscuits, there was no box in the cart and there was only money. Was it magic? Very possible, you are surrounded by sorcerers. I took all my stuff and left. Goodbye sanctuary I will miss you, Goodbye pebble that is at the entrance I will miss you, I was going to keep saying those things until I remembered that tomorrow I would come again. I wasn't going to say goodbye twice to the stone, that would hurt too much.

- "See you tomorrow, little one, keep tripping the humans."

I lay in my bed thinking about everything that had happened during the day, the trials were strange, the Ancestral thing threw me off and in the end, I couldn't do much about it, because she was right. I fell asleep thinking about the last thing the sorceress said to me, "Maybe you have something that interests them".

I had a dream, a horrible dream. It was about when Chris and Emma were killed. A horrible memory, but for some reason when I woke up I thought it would be very useful for me, today. Feelings, why not follow them?

As I arrived I saw Alice and Luke together, with a big smile on their faces, I thought about yelling at them to find a motel, but that wouldn't be appropriate considering where I was. I was heading to where they were. They seemed to have something very important to say.

- "Hello professors" - I looked around and saw the man in black from yesterday, are there aliens in the school? It was a stupid thought... Until I remembered the Skrulls.

- "How are you feeling?" - Luke looked happy.

- "Good" - I looked at him - "did something good happen?"

- "Yes," - Answered Alice, - "it's not so good for us, but it's great for you."

- "Why wouldn't it be good for you?"

- "You're leaving school," - Luke blurted out, "You know too much, you could be more than us, and having you here would be a waste."

- "Ahh" - I thought about it for a bit, I saw you both looked a bit sad, so I did the best I could do - "and why isn't it so good for you? You're going to get rid of me, you should be happy and have a party" - I smiled at them.

- "Of course not, Eli," - Professor Alice hugged me.

After Alice jumped on me, Luke did too, they were both hugging me, the next hug I got after Clary's. But this one was different, it was like a proud, congratulatory hug, like the ones your parents would give you when you got a good grade.

It felt good, but I thought about how the situation should look, two adults squatting down and hugging a 6-year-old girl, almost taking the air out of her, a pretty funny thing to see. I didn't mind if it went on, though. To my misfortune, a "cough" separated us, and the man who was there cleared his throat.

- "Miss Elizabeth, today I will take you to meet some people who will help you from now on" - Who? The president.

- "Where will he take me?" - I looked at him doubtfully - "I haven't accepted anything yet" - Why did I say that? Out of fear, of course, I didn't know what was going to happen now, and I didn't want anything weird to happen.

- "Honey, it's the best thing for you."

- "But Alice, I don't want to go... I'm not interested" - Liar you're interested - "Well... I am interested, but I don't want to go alone."

- "Why?" - Luke said.

- "That I'm afraid to go with a man I don't know, it's easy to understand" - I crossed my arms, was I really afraid? No, of course not. I went into the sanctuary as if I were "Peter in his house" but well, I was a girl, I should show doubt, besides I loved my office under the stairs.

- "We will accompany you today," - Alice smiled.

- "We'll be with you all-day"

I looked at them, "We" "We" "All day with you" yeah right, they'd just be together, I know. I'm the perfect excuse to skip school. I thought about it, trying to pretend to be offended, but I couldn't.

Mr. Black guided us to a university, he explained to us what the "scholarship" and the "program" they were going to make me part of consisted of. 

"Leopold Fitz, Jemma Simmons, I'll meet them," maybe it would be easier to get into SHIELD. The 3 adults were talking about who knows what, I had no idea when they started giving Stark "scholarships" maybe I was one more, I would have liked Potts to come, but the world is not that good.

Like the cute 6-year-old I was, I left the place to find something good or fun to do. "Children don't get involved in adults' conversations" was a phrase I hated with all my heart, I couldn't make sense of it, everyone could express their views. But well, it didn't matter.

I went into a big room, a lecture hall where they were talking about "medical advances", I listened a bit, there wasn't much difference in medicine from what I had already studied. But it was interesting to watch after all. After they gave some applause, a video of an operation was played, and everyone was taking notes.

- "That's badly done" - I blurted out, and to my bad luck it was heard all over the room.

I got a lot of hateful looks, faces like "What is a child doing here" "Get the baby out of the room" "I can't believe she spoke". It was full of people judging me with their eyes, the 6-year-old girl disrupting the class. 

I rolled my eyes, clearly, they wouldn't take me into account because of my age, that's what I hated most about being 6. That's why when I got a question, I found it all weird.

- "And what is wrong with this surgery? Miss" - I couldn't see who was talking, but it was clear that he was making fun, after what he said many people started to laugh.

I shut them up, of course. I told them exactly what the attending surgeon was doing in that operation, emphasized everything that was wrong, and finished talking.

- "It's quite a common mistake in that kind of surgery, in fact, many doctors, even if they are very qualified, can get it wrong" - And with that I stopped talking.

- "What would a girl your age know? You don't know what you're talking about, this surgery is done by some of the best doctors on the continent. Mr. Johnson would never be wrong."

- "One of the best does not mean the best, unknown voice" - I said - "I don't care if you believe me, you will find out in time" - When I was about to leave someone spoke.

- "The truth is, the girl is right," - He said, - "it's a common mistake, and they don't notice it very much, at least not those who don't know what they're doing." - The voice came closer to me - "and just as she said, he's not the best, he's a very well known one. But he made a mistake, one that I'm sure other people noticed and didn't dare to say because of the doctor's 'fame'."

The lights came on, and I saw who it was that was coming towards me, Stephen was there, looking at me face to face. Not with the gaze of the others, but just taking in the intellect he possessed.

- "Well done brat," - He smiled at me, - "May I know your name?"

- "I'm not a brat," - I replied, - "brat you..."

- "Miss Elizabeth, what are you doing in this room?"

Black was watching me from afar while Alice covered my mouth, so I wouldn't finish what I was going to say, everyone seemed to be watching the scene. Luke seemed amused by the situation, but when my teacher looked at him, he changed his face to an angry one... A very bad angry face.

- "She's just come to be a nuisance, you shouldn't let a girl in these places," - Said one of the girls, with absolute arrogance. She wasn't going to leave me, so I decided to speak up.

- "I just gave my opinion about a badly finished surgery, I taught those who were here things they don't know" - I looked at the girl who spoke before - "You shouldn't let a girl who doesn't even know what she is studying into these places, you can tell she doesn't know anything."

I took Alice's hand and left the room. Mr. Black looked at us and talked a bit with my two teachers. After a few minutes he left and it was just the three of us. Alice was looking at me reproachfully.

- "What do you think you were doing there?" - She asked.

- "Clearly, she was putting them in their place," - Luke answered and started laughing.

Not much could be done, the three of us ended up laughing and left the place. It looked like I would start going there after the 'summer holidays' and I would be able to get into any class I wanted, 'But what a great service' I thought. Doctor Strange, I'll see him again.

I was walking so absentmindedly with my teachers that I didn't notice when I tripped over something and fell straight to the ground. Everything went black.



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