A New Stage 3

Do you believe in Chaos theory? To explain it briefly, a common analogy used is the butterfly effect: A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil causes a tornado in Texas. In more curt terminology, initial conditions determine the outcome, much like the structure of this world. If there even is structure.

Evidently, this world is not in super symmetry. In-fact, it is in a supreme chaos that keeps repeating itself; thusly, it is more likely that this is all a simulacrum of a world, failing its core fundamental process, shown through various mediums like houses repeating, the world restarting, and the script.

Oh, the script. A naïve concept housed in a mind of an outsider looking in.

I, who took on the role of "Friend B", might not even be someone from this world. As delirious as that sounds it may prove to be the case.

Case-in-point: Chaos Theory.

Though, there might not be structure in this world, it stands to reason that there are implicit and underlying patterns within this world, much like a gestalt. This, however, is broken through the various interruptions that happens in the script by the outsider "Friend B", me.

So, what happens if this physical manifestation of an anomaly does not interfere, what will happen?

Will that break the script even more, or somehow fix it?

Knock knock knock!

There was someone at the door.

I wanted to get up, I do, but I couldn't. My limbs became as stiff as tungsten. I felt like I was rooted to my bed

"It's me… I'm sorry about yesterday. I just didn't know how to react to your feelings."

It was Mrs. Yuki. Hearing her voice invigorated my limbs to move; yet this time I became unwilling to go to the door.

"But now that I've had time to think…"

Subconsciously, I had already walked to the door. My house was small, so from my bedroom to the front door is only a few paces away.

I was behind the door, but I wasn't responding. Though, her words did not escape me. I was hanging off her every word.


I blinked and I awoke up to see a familiar celling. The morning sun passed through the thin slits of the blinders. My alarm clock next to me illuminated by the sun displayed 7:00 am. I looked down and I was smartly dressed for school.

I was in disbelief, I grabbed my head in an attempt to make sense of what just happened, though I knew what happened. I just couldn't believe it had happened.

Chaos Theory, what I did. However, now there is a confounding variable: Okamoto Sango.

She has consciousness now. Like me. Does that mean she is affecting the script and accelerating the rate at which a restart will happen?

I walked out of my room and looked at the door and thought of what if I had opened the door, what face was Mrs. Yuki making. Now, I cannot make amends for my actions. To say sorry.

I rubbed the door gently as if appraising it for the first time. Behind this door was an unforgivable world, full of atrocities and debauchery. How was I ever going to be a part of it, why would I want to be a part of it?

Because one day I will receive the standing ovation for the performance I deliver by saving this play.

'I'm so sorry Yuki-san. This time, I swear, you along with everyone else will have their happiness.'

Even at the cost of my own life.

I took a deep breath. Inhale then exhaled.

I will never know what Yuki-san wanted to tell me, but somehow, I felt I knew what she wanted to tell me. This feeling will be engrained in each strand of my muscles, in every bone in my body, and in my heart.

It energized me to grip the doorknob confidently.

'Yuki-san, although you are a different person now, I will never forget what you have given me. Thank you.'

I opened the door to receive the morning light completely.

Although it was short lived, I for a time…

Was in love.

Was it so strange?

I didn't dwell on it too long, but I now felt a prick in my heart. Was it a love pang? I wonder if Mrs. Yuki will remember anything. I hope she does, but I felt that this was wishful thinking.

I took a step outside, while confiding in myself. I had a new goal, aside from following the script. This time I need to coerce Sango to stay away from Satoru.

Walking out of my house which looked exactly like the house next to it, I met with someone unexpected.

"Good morning, Friend B."

I subconsciously bowed at a practiced 15-degree angle to greet them.

"Good morning."

"Pfffttt~! Is that what you do every-time someone greets you in the morning?"

I look up and it was Okamoto Sango.

She indeed flipped the script.

Thus began a new stage for this world, uncertainty awaited.